blob: 73eea9eda290d7a164d16256704482b689b63b50 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.util.ThreeState;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NonNls;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.EnumSet;
import java.util.List;
public class LaunchCompatibility {
@NonNls private static final String GOOGLE_APIS_TARGET_NAME = "Google APIs";
private final ThreeState myCompatible;
private final String myReason;
public LaunchCompatibility(ThreeState compatible, @Nullable String reason) {
myCompatible = compatible;
myReason = reason;
public ThreeState isCompatible() {
return myCompatible;
public String getReason() {
return myReason;
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this).add("compatible", myCompatible).add("reason", myReason).toString();
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof LaunchCompatibility &&
myCompatible == ((LaunchCompatibility)o).myCompatible &&
Objects.equal(myReason, ((LaunchCompatibility)o).myReason);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(myCompatible, myReason);
private static final LaunchCompatibility YES = new LaunchCompatibility(ThreeState.YES, null);
* Returns whether an application with the given requirements can be run on the given device.
* @param minSdkVersion minSdkVersion specified by the application
* @param projectTarget android target corresponding to the targetSdkVersion
* @param requiredFeatures required list of hardware features
* @param device the device to check compatibility against
* @param avdTarget the target platform corresponding to the AVD, if the device happens to be an emulator
* @return a {@link com.intellij.util.ThreeState} indicating whether the application can be run on the device, and a reason if it isn't
* compatible.
public static LaunchCompatibility canRunOnDevice(@NotNull AndroidVersion minSdkVersion,
@NotNull IAndroidTarget projectTarget,
@NotNull EnumSet<IDevice.HardwareFeature> requiredFeatures,
@NotNull IDevice device,
@Nullable IAndroidTarget avdTarget) {
// check if the device has the required minApi
// note that in cases where targetSdk is a preview platform, gradle sets minsdk to be the same as targetsdk,
// so as to only allow running on those systems
AndroidVersion deviceVersion = DevicePropertyUtil.getDeviceVersion(device);
if (!deviceVersion.canRun(minSdkVersion)) {
String reason = String.format("minSdk(%1$s) %3$s deviceSdk(%2$s)",
minSdkVersion.getCodename() == null ? ">" : "!=");
return new LaunchCompatibility(ThreeState.NO, reason);
// check if the device provides the required features
for (IDevice.HardwareFeature feature : requiredFeatures) {
if (!device.supportsFeature(feature)) {
return new LaunchCompatibility(ThreeState.NO, "missing feature: " + feature);
// Typically, we only need to check that features required by the apk are supported by the device, which is done above
// In the case of watch though, we do an explicit check in the other direction: if the device is a watch, we don't want
// non-watch apks to be installed on it.
if (device.supportsFeature(IDevice.HardwareFeature.WATCH)) {
if (!requiredFeatures.contains(IDevice.HardwareFeature.WATCH)) {
return new LaunchCompatibility(ThreeState.NO, "missing uses-feature watch, non-watch apks cannot be launched on a watch");
// we are done with checks for platform targets
if (projectTarget.isPlatform()) {
return YES;
// Add-ons specify a list of libraries. We need to check that the required libraries are available on the device.
// See AddOnTarget#canRunOn
List<IAndroidTarget.OptionalLibrary> additionaLibs = projectTarget.getAdditionalLibraries();
if (additionaLibs.isEmpty()) {
return YES;
if (avdTarget == null) {
String targetName = projectTarget.getName();
if (GOOGLE_APIS_TARGET_NAME.equals(targetName)) {
// We'll assume that Google APIs are available on all devices.
return YES;
} else {
// Unsure because we don't have an easy way of determining whether those libraries are on a device
return new LaunchCompatibility(ThreeState.UNSURE, "unsure if device supports addon: " + targetName);
} else {
// Note: A better way to do this is to actually look at the manifest for all of its requirements, and then look at the
// device for all of its features, very much like the hardware feature check above. Just checking the AVD to see if it was
// created with the same addon target is somewhat of a legacy method that we use for now..
return isCompatibleAddonAvd(projectTarget, avdTarget);
private static LaunchCompatibility isCompatibleAddonAvd(IAndroidTarget projectTarget, IAndroidTarget avdTarget) {
// validate that the vendor is the same for both the project and the avd
if (!StringUtil.equals(projectTarget.getVendor(), avdTarget.getVendor())) {
String reason = String.format("AVD vendor (%1$s) != AVD target (%2$s)", avdTarget.getVendor(), projectTarget.getVendor());
return new LaunchCompatibility(ThreeState.NO, reason);
if (!StringUtil.equals(projectTarget.getName(), avdTarget.getName())) {
String reason =
String.format("AVD target name (%1$s) != Project target name (%2$s)", avdTarget.getName(), projectTarget.getName());
return new LaunchCompatibility(ThreeState.NO, reason);
return YES;
/** Returns whether a project with given minSdkVersion and target platform can be run on an AVD with given target platform. */
public static LaunchCompatibility canRunOnAvd(@NotNull AndroidVersion minSdkVersion,
@NotNull IAndroidTarget projectTarget,
@NotNull IAndroidTarget avdTarget) {
AndroidVersion avdVersion = avdTarget.getVersion();
if (!avdVersion.canRun(minSdkVersion)) {
String reason = String.format("minSdk(%1$s) %3$s deviceSdk(%2$s)",
minSdkVersion.getCodename() == null ? ">" : "!=");
return new LaunchCompatibility(ThreeState.NO, reason);
return projectTarget.isPlatform() ? YES : isCompatibleAddonAvd(projectTarget, avdTarget);