blob: 78d2be1c283d96ab3b0c9b128dbc2b7ff7e32108 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2015 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
final class Commands {
static final class GetCaptures {
static final class Call implements {
Call() {
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callGetCapturesID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
CaptureId[] myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultGetCapturesID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class GetDevices {
static final class Call implements {
Call() {
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callGetDevicesID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
DeviceId[] myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultGetDevicesID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class GetState {
static final class Call implements {
CaptureId myCapture;
int myContextId;
long myAfter;
Call() {
Call(CaptureId capture, int contextId, long after) {
myCapture = capture;
myContextId = contextId;
myAfter = after;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callGetStateID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
BinaryId myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultGetStateID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class GetHierarchy {
static final class Call implements {
CaptureId myCapture;
int myContextId;
Call() {
Call(CaptureId capture, int contextId) {
myCapture = capture;
myContextId = contextId;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callGetHierarchyID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
HierarchyId myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultGetHierarchyID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class GetMemoryInfo {
static final class Call implements {
CaptureId myCapture;
int myContextId;
long myAfter;
MemoryRange myRng;
Call() {
Call(CaptureId capture, int contextId, long after, MemoryRange rng) {
myCapture = capture;
myContextId = contextId;
myAfter = after;
myRng = rng;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callGetMemoryInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
MemoryInfoId myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultGetMemoryInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class GetFramebufferColor {
static final class Call implements {
DeviceId myDevice;
CaptureId myCapture;
int myContextId;
long myAfter;
RenderSettings mySettings;
Call() {
Call(DeviceId device, CaptureId capture, int contextId, long after, RenderSettings settings) {
myDevice = device;
myCapture = capture;
myContextId = contextId;
myAfter = after;
mySettings = settings;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callGetFramebufferColorID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
ImageInfoId myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultGetFramebufferColorID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class GetFramebufferDepth {
static final class Call implements {
DeviceId myDevice;
CaptureId myCapture;
int myContextId;
long myAfter;
Call() {
Call(DeviceId device, CaptureId capture, int contextId, long after) {
myDevice = device;
myCapture = capture;
myContextId = contextId;
myAfter = after;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callGetFramebufferDepthID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
ImageInfoId myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultGetFramebufferDepthID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ReplaceAtom {
static final class Call implements {
CaptureId myCapture;
long myAtomId;
short myAtomType;
Binary myData;
Call() {
Call(CaptureId capture, long atomId, short atomType, Binary data) {
myCapture = capture;
myAtomId = atomId;
myAtomType = atomType;
myData = data;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callReplaceAtomID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
CaptureId myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultReplaceAtomID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class GetTimingInfo {
static final class Call implements {
DeviceId myDevice;
CaptureId myCapture;
int myContextId;
TimingMask myMask;
Call() {
Call(DeviceId device, CaptureId capture, int contextId, TimingMask mask) {
myDevice = device;
myCapture = capture;
myContextId = contextId;
myMask = mask;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callGetTimingInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
TimingInfoId myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultGetTimingInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class PrerenderFramebuffers {
static final class Call implements {
DeviceId myDevice;
CaptureId myCapture;
int myWidth;
int myHeight;
long[] myAtomIds;
Call() {
Call(DeviceId device, CaptureId capture, int width, int height, long[] atomIds) {
myDevice = device;
myCapture = capture;
myWidth = width;
myHeight = height;
myAtomIds = atomIds;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callPrerenderFramebuffersID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
BinaryId myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultPrerenderFramebuffersID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ResolveAtomStream {
static final class Call implements {
AtomStreamId myId;
Call() {
Call(AtomStreamId id) {
myId = id;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callResolveAtomStreamID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
AtomStream myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultResolveAtomStreamID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ResolveBinary {
static final class Call implements {
BinaryId myId;
Call() {
Call(BinaryId id) {
myId = id;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callResolveBinaryID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
Binary myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultResolveBinaryID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ResolveCapture {
static final class Call implements {
CaptureId myId;
Call() {
Call(CaptureId id) {
myId = id;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callResolveCaptureID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
Capture myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultResolveCaptureID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ResolveDevice {
static final class Call implements {
DeviceId myId;
Call() {
Call(DeviceId id) {
myId = id;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callResolveDeviceID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
Device myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultResolveDeviceID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ResolveHierarchy {
static final class Call implements {
HierarchyId myId;
Call() {
Call(HierarchyId id) {
myId = id;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callResolveHierarchyID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
Hierarchy myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultResolveHierarchyID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ResolveImageInfo {
static final class Call implements {
ImageInfoId myId;
Call() {
Call(ImageInfoId id) {
myId = id;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callResolveImageInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
ImageInfo myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultResolveImageInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ResolveMemoryInfo {
static final class Call implements {
MemoryInfoId myId;
Call() {
Call(MemoryInfoId id) {
myId = id;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callResolveMemoryInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
MemoryInfo myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultResolveMemoryInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ResolveSchema {
static final class Call implements {
SchemaId myId;
Call() {
Call(SchemaId id) {
myId = id;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callResolveSchemaID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
Schema myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultResolveSchemaID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class ResolveTimingInfo {
static final class Call implements {
TimingInfoId myId;
Call() {
Call(TimingInfoId id) {
myId = id;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.callResolveTimingInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);
static final class Result implements {
TimingInfo myValue;
public ObjectTypeID type() {
return ObjectFactory.resultResolveTimingInfoID;
public void encode(@NotNull Encoder e) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.encode(e, this);
public void decode(@NotNull Decoder d) throws IOException {
ObjectFactory.decode(d, this);