blob: d826aeff22f9ea6f87b665b1277925f8fa48ec83 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2013 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import com.intellij.openapi.Disposable;
import com.intellij.openapi.application.ApplicationManager;
import com.intellij.openapi.module.Module;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Comparing;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.Computable;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.ModificationTracker;
import com.intellij.openapi.util.text.StringUtil;
import com.intellij.openapi.vfs.VirtualFile;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiFile;
import com.intellij.psi.PsiManager;
import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlAttribute;
import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlFile;
import com.intellij.psi.xml.XmlTag;
import org.intellij.lang.annotations.MagicConstant;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.Nullable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import static*;
import static*;
* A {@linkplain Configuration} is a selection of device, orientation, theme,
* etc for use when rendering a layout.
public class Configuration implements Disposable, ModificationTracker {
/** Min API version that supports preferences API rendering. */
public static final int PREFERENCES_MIN_API = 22;
/** The associated file */
@Nullable final VirtualFile myFile;
/** The PSI File associated with myFile. */
@Nullable private PsiFile myPsiFile;
* The {@link} representing the state of the UI controls
protected final FolderConfiguration myFullConfig = new FolderConfiguration();
/** The associated {@link ConfigurationManager} */
protected final ConfigurationManager myManager;
* The {@link} being edited.
protected final FolderConfiguration myEditedConfig;
* The target of the project of the file being edited.
private IAndroidTarget myTarget;
* The theme style to render with
private String myTheme;
* A specific device to render with
private Device mySpecificDevice;
* The specific device state
private State myState;
* The computed effective device; if this configuration does not have a hardcoded specific device,
* it will be computed based on the current device list; this field caches the value.
private Device myDevice;
* The device state to use. Used to update {@link #getDeviceState()} such that it returns a state
* suitable with whatever {@link #getDevice()} returns, since {@link #getDevice()} updates dynamically,
* and the specific {@link State} instances are tied to actual devices (through the
* {@link} accessor).
private String myStateName;
* The activity associated with the layout. This is just a cached value of
* the true value stored on the layout.
private String myActivity;
* The locale to use for this configuration
private Locale myLocale = null;
* UI mode
private UiMode myUiMode = UiMode.NORMAL;
* Night mode
private NightMode myNightMode = NightMode.NOTNIGHT;
* The display name
private String myDisplayName;
/** For nesting count use by {@link #startBulkEditing()} and {@link #finishBulkEditing()} */
private int myBulkEditingCount;
/** Optional set of listeners to notify via {@link #updated(int)} */
private List<ConfigurationListener> myListeners;
/** Dirty flags since last notify: corresponds to constants in {@link ConfigurationListener} */
protected int myNotifyDirty;
/** Dirty flags since last folder config sync: corresponds to constants in {@link ConfigurationListener} */
protected int myFolderConfigDirty = MASK_FOLDERCONFIG;
protected int myProjectStateVersion;
private long myModificationCount;
* Creates a new {@linkplain Configuration}
protected Configuration(@NotNull ConfigurationManager manager, @Nullable VirtualFile file, @NotNull FolderConfiguration editedConfig) {
myManager = manager;
myFile = file;
myEditedConfig = editedConfig;
if (isLocaleSpecificLayout()) {
myLocale = Locale.create(editedConfig);
if (isOrientationSpecificLayout()) {
ScreenOrientationQualifier qualifier = editedConfig.getScreenOrientationQualifier();
assert qualifier != null; // because isOrientationSpecificLayout()
ScreenOrientation orientation = qualifier.getValue();
if (orientation != null) {
myStateName = orientation.getShortDisplayValue();
if (file != null) {
if (ResourceHelper.getFolderType(file) == ResourceFolderType.XML) {
myPsiFile = AndroidPsiUtils.getPsiFileSafely(manager.getProject(), file);
if (myPsiFile != null && TAG_PREFERENCE_SCREEN.equals(AndroidPsiUtils.getRootTagName(myPsiFile))) {
myTarget = manager.getTarget(PREFERENCES_MIN_API);
* Creates a new {@linkplain Configuration}
* @return a new configuration
static Configuration create(@NotNull ConfigurationManager manager,
@Nullable VirtualFile file,
@NotNull FolderConfiguration editedConfig) {
return new Configuration(manager, file, editedConfig);
* Creates a configuration suitable for the given file
* @param base the base configuration to base the file configuration off of
* @param file the file to look up a configuration for
* @return a suitable configuration
public static Configuration create(@NotNull Configuration base,
@NotNull VirtualFile file) {
// TODO: Figure out whether we need this, or if it should be replaced by
// a call to ConfigurationManager#createSimilar()
Configuration configuration = base.clone();
LocalResourceRepository resources = AppResourceRepository.getAppResources(base.getModule(), true);
ConfigurationMatcher matcher = new ConfigurationMatcher(configuration, resources, file);
matcher.adaptConfigSelection(true /*needBestMatch*/);
return configuration;
public static Configuration create(@NotNull ConfigurationManager manager,
@Nullable VirtualFile file,
@Nullable ConfigurationFileState fileState,
@NotNull FolderConfiguration editedConfig) {
Configuration configuration = new Configuration(manager, file, editedConfig);
if (fileState != null) {
return configuration;
* Creates a new {@linkplain Configuration} that is a copy from a different configuration
* @param original the original to copy from
* @return a new configuration copied from the original
public static Configuration copy(@NotNull Configuration original) {
FolderConfiguration copiedConfig = new FolderConfiguration();
Configuration copy = new Configuration(original.myManager, original.myFile, copiedConfig);
copy.myFolderConfigDirty = original.myFolderConfigDirty;
copy.myProjectStateVersion = original.myProjectStateVersion;
copy.myTarget = original.myTarget; // avoid getTarget() since it fetches project state
copy.myLocale = original.myLocale; // avoid getLocale() since it fetches project state
copy.myTheme = original.getTheme();
copy.mySpecificDevice = original.mySpecificDevice;
copy.myDevice = original.myDevice; // avoid getDevice() since it fetches project state
copy.myStateName = original.myStateName;
copy.myState = original.myState;
copy.myActivity = original.getActivity();
copy.myUiMode = original.getUiMode();
copy.myNightMode = original.getNightMode();
copy.myDisplayName = original.getDisplayName();
return copy;
public Configuration clone() {
return copy(this);
* Copies attributes from the given source configuration into the given destination configuration,
* as long as the attributes are compatible with the folder of the destination file.
* @param source the original to copy from
* @return a new configuration copied from the original
public static Configuration copyCompatible(@NotNull Configuration source, @NotNull Configuration destination) {
assert !Comparing.equal(source.myFile, destination.myFile); // This method is intended to sync configurations for resource variations
FolderConfiguration editedConfig = destination.getEditedConfig();
if (editedConfig.getVersionQualifier() == null) {
destination.myTarget = source.myTarget; // avoid getTarget() since it fetches project state
if (editedConfig.getScreenSizeQualifier() == null) {
destination.mySpecificDevice = source.mySpecificDevice; // avoid getDevice() since it fetches project state
if (editedConfig.getScreenOrientationQualifier() == null && editedConfig.getSmallestScreenWidthQualifier() == null) {
destination.myStateName = source.myStateName;
destination.myState = source.myState;
if (editedConfig.getLocaleQualifier() == null) {
destination.myLocale = source.myLocale; // avoid getLocale() since it fetches project state
if (editedConfig.getUiModeQualifier() == null) {
destination.myUiMode = source.getUiMode();
if (editedConfig.getNightModeQualifier() == null) {
destination.myNightMode = source.getNightMode();
destination.myActivity = source.getActivity();
destination.myTheme = source.getTheme();
//destination.myDisplayName = source.getDisplayName();
LocalResourceRepository resources = AppResourceRepository.getAppResources(source.myManager.getModule(), true);
ConfigurationMatcher matcher = new ConfigurationMatcher(destination, resources, destination.myFile);
//if (!matcher.isCurrentFileBestMatchFor(editedConfig)) {
matcher.adaptConfigSelection(true /*needBestMatch*/);
return destination;
public void save() {
ConfigurationStateManager stateManager = ConfigurationStateManager.get(myManager.getModule().getProject());
if (myFile != null) {
ConfigurationFileState fileState = new ConfigurationFileState();
stateManager.setConfigurationState(myFile, fileState);
* Returns the associated {@link ConfigurationManager}
* @return the manager
public ConfigurationManager getConfigurationManager() {
return myManager;
* Returns the file associated with this configuration, if any
* @return the file, or null
public VirtualFile getFile() {
return myFile;
* Returns the PSI file associated with the configuration, if any
public PsiFile getPsiFile() {
if (myPsiFile == null && myFile != null) {
myPsiFile = AndroidPsiUtils.getPsiFileSafely(myManager.getProject(), myFile);
return myPsiFile;
* Returns the associated activity
* @return the activity
public String getActivity() {
if (myActivity == NO_ACTIVITY) {
return null;
} else if (myActivity == null && myFile != null) {
myActivity = ApplicationManager.getApplication().runReadAction(new Computable<String>() {
public String compute() {
if (myPsiFile == null) {
myPsiFile = PsiManager.getInstance(myManager.getProject()).findFile(myFile);
if (myPsiFile instanceof XmlFile) {
XmlFile xmlFile = (XmlFile)myPsiFile;
XmlTag rootTag = xmlFile.getRootTag();
if (rootTag != null) {
XmlAttribute attribute = rootTag.getAttribute(ATTR_CONTEXT, TOOLS_URI);
if (attribute != null) {
return attribute.getValue();
return null;
if (myActivity == null) {
myActivity = NO_ACTIVITY;
return null;
return myActivity;
/** Special marker value which indicates that this activity has been checked and has no activity
* (whereas a null {@link #myActivity} field means that it has not yet been initialized */
private static final String NO_ACTIVITY = new String();
* Returns the chosen device.
* @return the chosen device
public Device getDevice() {
if (myDevice == null) {
if (mySpecificDevice != null) {
myDevice = mySpecificDevice;
else {
myDevice = computeBestDevice();
return myDevice;
public static FolderConfiguration getFolderConfig(@NotNull Module module, @NotNull State state, @NotNull Locale locale,
@Nullable IAndroidTarget target) {
FolderConfiguration currentConfig = DeviceConfigHelper.getFolderConfig(state);
if (currentConfig != null) {
if (locale.hasLanguage()) {
if (locale.hasLanguage()) {
LayoutLibrary layoutLib = RenderService.getLayoutLibrary(module, target);
if (layoutLib != null) {
if (layoutLib.isRtl(locale.toLocaleId())) {
currentConfig.setLayoutDirectionQualifier(new LayoutDirectionQualifier(LayoutDirection.RTL));
// Don't match on target since we tend to use recent layout lib versions to render even default (older) layouts
// since more recent versions work a lot better fidelity wise
// if (target != null) {
// currentConfig.setVersionQualifier(new VersionQualifier(target.getVersion().getApiLevel()));
// }
return currentConfig;
private Device computeBestDevice() {
for (Device device : myManager.getRecentDevices()) {
String stateName = myStateName;
if (stateName == null) {
stateName = device.getDefaultState().getName();
State selectedState = ConfigurationFileState.getState(device, stateName);
Module module = myManager.getModule();
FolderConfiguration currentConfig = getFolderConfig(module, selectedState, getLocale(), getTarget());
if (currentConfig != null) {
if (myEditedConfig.isMatchFor(currentConfig)) {
LocalResourceRepository resources = AppResourceRepository.getAppResources(module, true);
if (resources != null && myFile != null) {
ResourceFolderType folderType = ResourceHelper.getFolderType(myFile);
if (folderType != null) {
List<ResourceType> types = FolderTypeRelationship.getRelatedResourceTypes(folderType);
if (!types.isEmpty()) {
ResourceType type = types.get(0);
List<VirtualFile> matches = resources.getMatchingFiles(myFile, type, currentConfig);
if (matches.contains(myFile)) {
return device;
} else if ("Kotlin".equals(myFile.getFileType().getName())) {
return device;
} else if (myFile.equals(myManager.getProject().getProjectFile())) {
return device; // takes care of correct device selection for Theme Editor
return myManager.getDefaultDevice();
* Returns the chosen device state
* @return the device state
public State getDeviceState() {
if (myState == null) {
Device device = getDevice();
myState = ConfigurationFileState.getState(device, myStateName);
return myState;
* Returns the chosen locale
* @return the locale
public Locale getLocale() {
if (myLocale == null) {
return myManager.getLocale();
return myLocale;
* Returns the UI mode
* @return the UI mode
public UiMode getUiMode() {
return myUiMode;
* Returns the day/night mode
* @return the night mode
public NightMode getNightMode() {
return myNightMode;
* Returns the current theme style
* @return the theme style
public String getTheme() {
if (myTheme == null) {
myTheme = myManager.computePreferredTheme(this);
return myTheme;
* Returns the rendering target
* @return the target
public IAndroidTarget getTarget() {
if (myTarget == null) {
IAndroidTarget target = myManager.getTarget();
// If the project-wide render target isn't a match for the version qualifier in this layout
// (for example, the render target is at API 11, and layout is in a -v14 folder) then pick
// a target which matches.
VersionQualifier version = myEditedConfig.getVersionQualifier();
if (target != null && version != null && version.getVersion() > target.getVersion().getFeatureLevel()) {
return myManager.getTarget(version.getVersion());
return target;
return myTarget;
* Returns the display name to show for this configuration
* @return the display name, or null if none has been assigned
public String getDisplayName() {
return myDisplayName;
* Returns true if the current layout is locale-specific
* @return if this configuration represents a locale-specific layout
public boolean isLocaleSpecificLayout() {
return myEditedConfig.getLocaleQualifier() != null;
* Returns true if the current layout is target-specific
* @return if this configuration represents a target-specific layout
public boolean isTargetSpecificLayout() {
return myEditedConfig.getVersionQualifier() != null;
* Returns true if the current layout is orientation-specific
* @return if this configuration represents a orientation-specific layout
public boolean isOrientationSpecificLayout() {
return myEditedConfig.getScreenOrientationQualifier() != null;
* Returns the full, complete {@link}
* @return the full configuration
public FolderConfiguration getFullConfig() {
if ((myFolderConfigDirty & MASK_FOLDERCONFIG) != 0 || myProjectStateVersion != myManager.getStateVersion()) {
return myFullConfig;
* Copies the full, complete {@link} into the given
* folder config instance.
* @param dest the {@link} instance to copy into
public void copyFullConfig(FolderConfiguration dest) {
* Returns the edited {@link} (this is not a full
* configuration, so you can think of it as the "constraints" used by the
* {@link ConfigurationMatcher} to produce a full configuration.
* @return the constraints configuration
public FolderConfiguration getEditedConfig() {
return myEditedConfig;
* Sets the associated activity
* @param activity the activity
public void setActivity(@Nullable String activity) {
if (!StringUtil.equals(myActivity, activity)) {
myActivity = activity;
* Sets the device
* @param device the device
* @param preserveState if true, attempt to preserve the state associated with the config
public void setDevice(Device device, boolean preserveState) {
if (mySpecificDevice != device) {
Device prevDevice = mySpecificDevice;
State prevState = myState;
myDevice = mySpecificDevice = device;
int updateFlags = CFG_DEVICE;
if (device != null) {
State state = null;
// Attempt to preserve the device state?
if (preserveState && prevDevice != null) {
if (prevState != null) {
FolderConfiguration oldConfig = DeviceConfigHelper.getFolderConfig(prevState);
if (oldConfig != null) {
String stateName = getClosestMatch(oldConfig, device.getAllStates());
state = device.getState(stateName);
} else {
state = device.getState(prevState.getName());
} else if (preserveState && myStateName != null) {
state = device.getState(myStateName);
if (state == null) {
state = device.getDefaultState();
if (myState != state) {
myState = state;
updateFlags |= CFG_DEVICE_STATE;
// TODO: Is this redundant with the stuff above?
if (mySpecificDevice != null && myState == null) {
myState = mySpecificDevice.getDefaultState();
updateFlags |= CFG_DEVICE_STATE;
* Attempts to find a close state among a list
* @param oldConfig the reference config.
* @param states the list of states to search through
* @return the name of the closest state match, or possibly null if no states are compatible
* (this can only happen if the states don't have a single qualifier that is the same).
private static String getClosestMatch(@NotNull FolderConfiguration oldConfig, @NotNull List<State> states) {
// create 2 lists as we're going to go through one and put the
// candidates in the other.
List<State> list1 = new ArrayList<State>(states.size());
List<State> list2 = new ArrayList<State>(states.size());
final int count = FolderConfiguration.getQualifierCount();
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// compute the new candidate list by only taking states that have
// the same i-th qualifier as the old state
for (State s : list1) {
ResourceQualifier oldQualifier = oldConfig.getQualifier(i);
FolderConfiguration folderConfig = DeviceConfigHelper.getFolderConfig(s);
ResourceQualifier newQualifier = folderConfig != null ? folderConfig.getQualifier(i) : null;
if (oldQualifier == null) {
if (newQualifier == null) {
else if (oldQualifier.equals(newQualifier)) {
// at any moment if the new candidate list contains only one match, its name
// is returned.
if (list2.size() == 1) {
return list2.get(0).getName();
// if the list is empty, then all the new states failed. It is considered ok, and
// we move to the next qualifier anyway. This way, if a qualifier is different for
// all new states it is simply ignored.
if (list2.size() != 0) {
// move the candidates back into list1.
// the only way to reach this point is if there's an exact match.
// (if there are more than one, then there's a duplicate state and it doesn't matter,
// we take the first one).
if (list1.size() > 0) {
return list1.get(0).getName();
return null;
* Sets the device state
* @param state the device state
public void setDeviceState(State state) {
if (myState != state) {
if (state != null) {
} else {
myStateName = null;
myState = state;
* Sets the device state name
* @param stateName the device state name
public void setDeviceStateName(@Nullable String stateName) {
ScreenOrientationQualifier qualifier = myEditedConfig.getScreenOrientationQualifier();
if (qualifier != null) {
ScreenOrientation orientation = qualifier.getValue();
if (orientation != null) {
stateName = orientation.getShortDisplayValue(); // Also used as state names
if (!Objects.equal(stateName, myStateName)) {
myStateName = stateName;
myState = null;
* Sets the locale
* @param locale the locale
public void setLocale(@NotNull Locale locale) {
if (!Objects.equal(myLocale, locale)) {
myLocale = locale;
* Sets the rendering target
* @param target rendering target
public void setTarget(@Nullable IAndroidTarget target) {
if (myTarget != target) {
myTarget = target;
* Sets the display name to be shown for this configuration.
* @param displayName the new display name
public void setDisplayName(@Nullable String displayName) {
if (!StringUtil.equals(myDisplayName, displayName)) {
myDisplayName = displayName;
* Sets the night mode
* @param night the night mode
public void setNightMode(@NotNull NightMode night) {
if (myNightMode != night) {
myNightMode = night;
* Sets the UI mode
* @param uiMode the UI mode
public void setUiMode(@NotNull UiMode uiMode) {
if (myUiMode != uiMode) {
myUiMode = uiMode;
* Sets the theme style
* @param theme the theme
public void setTheme(@Nullable String theme) {
if (!StringUtil.equals(myTheme, theme)) {
myTheme = theme;
* Updates the folder configuration such that it reflects changes in
* configuration state such as the device orientation, the UI mode, the
* rendering target, etc.
protected void syncFolderConfig() {
Device device = getDevice();
if (device == null) {
// get the device config from the device/state combos.
State deviceState = getDeviceState();
if (deviceState == null) {
deviceState = device.getDefaultState();
FolderConfiguration config = getFolderConfig(getModule(), deviceState, getLocale(), getTarget());
// replace the config with the one from the device
// sync the selected locale
Locale locale = getLocale();
if (myEditedConfig.getLayoutDirectionQualifier() != null) {
} else if (!locale.hasLanguage()) {
// Avoid getting the layout library if the locale doesn't have any language.
myFullConfig.setLayoutDirectionQualifier(new LayoutDirectionQualifier(LayoutDirection.LTR));
} else {
LayoutLibrary layoutLib = RenderService.getLayoutLibrary(getModule(), getTarget());
if (layoutLib != null) {
if (layoutLib.isRtl(locale.toLocaleId())) {
myFullConfig.setLayoutDirectionQualifier(new LayoutDirectionQualifier(LayoutDirection.RTL));
} else {
myFullConfig.setLayoutDirectionQualifier(new LayoutDirectionQualifier(LayoutDirection.LTR));
// Replace the UiMode with the selected one, if one is selected
UiMode uiMode = getUiMode();
myFullConfig.setUiModeQualifier(new UiModeQualifier(uiMode));
// Replace the NightMode with the selected one, if one is selected
NightMode nightMode = getNightMode();
myFullConfig.setNightModeQualifier(new NightModeQualifier(nightMode));
// replace the API level by the selection of the combo
IAndroidTarget target = getTarget();
if (target != null) {
int apiLevel = target.getVersion().getFeatureLevel();
myFullConfig.setVersionQualifier(new VersionQualifier(apiLevel));
myFolderConfigDirty = 0;
myProjectStateVersion = myManager.getStateVersion();
/** Returns the screen size required for this configuration */
public ScreenSize getScreenSize() {
// Look up the screen size for the current state
State deviceState = getDeviceState();
if (deviceState != null) {
FolderConfiguration folderConfig = DeviceConfigHelper.getFolderConfig(deviceState);
if (folderConfig != null) {
ScreenSizeQualifier qualifier = folderConfig.getScreenSizeQualifier();
assert qualifier != null;
return qualifier.getValue();
ScreenSize screenSize = null;
Device device = getDevice();
if (device != null) {
List<State> states = device.getAllStates();
for (State state : states) {
FolderConfiguration folderConfig = DeviceConfigHelper.getFolderConfig(state);
if (folderConfig != null) {
ScreenSizeQualifier qualifier = folderConfig.getScreenSizeQualifier();
assert qualifier != null;
screenSize = qualifier.getValue();
return screenSize;
private void checkThemePrefix() {
if (myTheme != null && !myTheme.startsWith(PREFIX_RESOURCE_REF)) {
if (myTheme.isEmpty()) {
myTheme = myManager.computePreferredTheme(this);
// TODO: When we get a local project repository, handle this:
//ResourceRepository frameworkRes = mConfigChooser.getClient().getFrameworkResources();
//if (frameworkRes != null && frameworkRes.hasResourceItem(ANDROID_STYLE_RESOURCE_PREFIX + myTheme)) {
//else {
myTheme = STYLE_RESOURCE_PREFIX + myTheme;
* Returns the currently selected {@link}. This is guaranteed to be non null.
* @return the density
public Density getDensity() {
DensityQualifier qualifier = myFullConfig.getDensityQualifier();
if (qualifier != null) {
// just a sanity check
Density d = qualifier.getValue();
if (d.isValidValueForDevice()) {
return d;
// no config? return medium as the default density.
return Density.MEDIUM;
* Get the next cyclical state after the given state
* @param from the state to start with
* @return the following state following
public State getNextDeviceState(@Nullable State from) {
Device device = getDevice();
if (device == null) {
return null;
List<State> states = device.getAllStates();
for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
if (states.get(i) == from) {
return states.get((i + 1) % states.size());
// Search by name instead
if (from != null) {
String name = from.getName();
for (int i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
if (states.get(i).getName().equals(name)) {
return states.get((i + 1) % states.size());
return null;
* Returns true if this configuration supports the given rendering
* capability
* @param capability the capability to check
* @return true if the capability is supported
public boolean supports(@MagicConstant(flagsFromClass = Features.class) int capability) {
IAndroidTarget target = getTarget();
if (target != null) {
return RenderService.supportsCapability(getModule(), target, capability);
return false;
* Marks the beginning of a "bulk" editing operation with repeated calls to
* various setters. After all the values have been set, the client <b>must</b>
* call {@link #finishBulkEditing()}. This allows configurations to avoid
* doing {@link FolderConfiguration} syncing for intermediate stages, and all
* listener updates are deferred until the bulk operation is complete.
public void startBulkEditing() {
synchronized (this) {
* Marks the end of a "bulk" editing operation. At this point listeners will
* be notified of the cumulative changes, etc. See {@link #startBulkEditing()}
* for details.
public void finishBulkEditing() {
boolean notify = false;
synchronized (this) {
if (myBulkEditingCount == 0) {
notify = true;
if (notify) {
/** Called when one or more attributes of the configuration has changed */
public void updated(int flags) {
myNotifyDirty |= flags;
myFolderConfigDirty |= flags;
if (myManager.getStateVersion() != myProjectStateVersion) {
myNotifyDirty |= MASK_PROJECT_STATE;
myFolderConfigDirty |= MASK_PROJECT_STATE;
myDevice = null;
myState = null;
if (myBulkEditingCount == 0) {
int changed = myNotifyDirty;
if (myListeners != null) {
for (ConfigurationListener listener : myListeners) {
myNotifyDirty = 0;
* Adds a listener to be notified when the configuration changes
* @param listener the listener to add
public void addListener(@NotNull ConfigurationListener listener) {
if (myListeners == null) {
myListeners = new ArrayList<ConfigurationListener>();
* Removes a listener such that it is no longer notified of changes
* @param listener the listener to remove
public void removeListener(@NotNull ConfigurationListener listener) {
if (myListeners != null) {
if (myListeners.isEmpty()) {
myListeners = null;
// ---- Resolving resources ----
public ResourceResolver getResourceResolver() {
String theme = getTheme();
if (theme != null) {
return myManager.getResolverCache().getResourceResolver(getTarget(), theme, getFullConfig());
return null;
* Returns a {@link} for the framework resources based on the current
* configuration selection.
* @return the framework resources or null if not found.
public ResourceRepository getFrameworkResources() {
IAndroidTarget target = getTarget();
if (target != null) {
return myManager.getResolverCache().getFrameworkResources(getFullConfig(), target);
return null;
// For debugging only
public String toString() {
return Objects.toStringHelper(this.getClass())
.add("display", getDisplayName())
.add("theme", getTheme())
.add("activity", getActivity())
.add("device", getDevice())
.add("state", getDeviceState())
.add("locale", getLocale())
.add("target", getTarget())
.add("uimode", getUiMode())
.add("nightmode", getNightMode())
public Module getModule() {
return myManager.getModule();
public boolean isBestMatchFor(VirtualFile file, FolderConfiguration config) {
LocalResourceRepository resources = AppResourceRepository.getAppResources(getModule(), true);
return new ConfigurationMatcher(this, resources, file).isCurrentFileBestMatchFor(config);
public void dispose() {
public void setEffectiveDevice(@Nullable Device device, @Nullable State state) {
int updateFlags = 0;
if (myDevice != device) {
updateFlags = CFG_DEVICE;
myDevice = device;
if (myState != state) {
myState = state;
myStateName = state != null ? state.getName() : null;
updateFlags |= CFG_DEVICE_STATE;
if (updateFlags != 0) {
public long getModificationCount() {
return myModificationCount;