q_tzdata_aml_297100400 (11568878,com.google.android.tzdata)
Snap for 6439596 from 683326f42423a9301e71725cded28e2fa4e177c8 to qt-aml-tzdata-release

Change-Id: I9a7659f644de16ba10883c58d9c23bf08b1285b3
tree: 881b6cafc86ef25d27aa1539d89c6f166653fbba
  1. tests/
  2. tools/
  3. Android.mk
  5. README.md

Android Mainline Test Suite (MTS)

MTS consists of a set of testing frameworks and test cases, designed to help enhance the robustness, reliability, and compliance of a mainline train (i.e. a set of mainline modules).

MTS has mainly three types of tests:

  • Unit tests
  • CTS tests
  • GTS tests

//TODO: add user manual