Remove the notification Cts from mts list

In order to avoid updating mainline modules to break APIs, it needs
to add those cts included the logic in ExtServices module. After
checking, the notification cts don't include the logic in ExtServices
module, it should be ok to remove them from MTS because we don't
violate the mainline goal.

Bug: 187219254
Test: Build
Merged-In: I78b911167202b59646d072b1b3023c32ef24e6e2
Merged-In: Ibd97653e304162dd717208896722ed569cb3fe4c
Change-Id: Ic61c890c0d497ad2087df55133c4b345d2f0f7db
2 files changed
tree: 36004452577bde0e4aebf59c4b65c113d1a17553
  1. tools/

Android Mainline Test Suite (MTS)

MTS consists of a set of testing frameworks and test cases, designed to help enhance the robustness, reliability, and compliance of a mainline train (i.e. a set of mainline modules).

MTS has mainly three types of tests:

  • Unit tests
  • CTS tests
  • GTS tests

//TODO: add user manual