blob: 345005bcc78d75d3f027aeef5e690f2d3eeee538 [file] [log] [blame]
mod memoryflags;
pub(crate) use memoryflags::*;
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
/// Indicates a particular syscall number as used by the Xous kernel.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Syscall {
MapMemory = 2,
Yield = 3,
UpdateMemoryFlags = 12,
ReceiveMessage = 15,
SendMessage = 16,
Connect = 17,
CreateThread = 18,
UnmapMemory = 19,
ReturnMemory = 20,
TerminateProcess = 22,
TrySendMessage = 24,
TryConnect = 25,
GetThreadId = 32,
JoinThread = 36,
AdjustProcessLimit = 38,
ReturnScalar = 40,
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
/// Copies of these invocation types here for when we're running
/// in environments without libxous.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum SyscallResult {
Ok = 0,
Error = 1,
MemoryRange = 3,
ConnectionId = 7,
Message = 9,
ThreadId = 10,
Scalar1 = 14,
Scalar2 = 15,
MemoryReturned = 18,
Scalar5 = 20,
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// A list of all known errors that may be returned by the Xous kernel.
pub enum Error {
NoError = 0,
BadAlignment = 1,
BadAddress = 2,
OutOfMemory = 3,
MemoryInUse = 4,
InterruptNotFound = 5,
InterruptInUse = 6,
InvalidString = 7,
ServerExists = 8,
ServerNotFound = 9,
ProcessNotFound = 10,
ProcessNotChild = 11,
ProcessTerminated = 12,
Timeout = 13,
InternalError = 14,
ServerQueueFull = 15,
ThreadNotAvailable = 16,
UnhandledSyscall = 17,
InvalidSyscall = 18,
ShareViolation = 19,
InvalidThread = 20,
InvalidPid = 21,
UnknownError = 22,
AccessDenied = 23,
UseBeforeInit = 24,
DoubleFree = 25,
DebugInProgress = 26,
InvalidLimit = 27,
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl From<usize> for Error {
fn from(src: usize) -> Self {
match src {
0 => Self::NoError,
1 => Self::BadAlignment,
2 => Self::BadAddress,
3 => Self::OutOfMemory,
4 => Self::MemoryInUse,
5 => Self::InterruptNotFound,
6 => Self::InterruptInUse,
7 => Self::InvalidString,
8 => Self::ServerExists,
9 => Self::ServerNotFound,
10 => Self::ProcessNotFound,
11 => Self::ProcessNotChild,
12 => Self::ProcessTerminated,
13 => Self::Timeout,
14 => Self::InternalError,
15 => Self::ServerQueueFull,
16 => Self::ThreadNotAvailable,
17 => Self::UnhandledSyscall,
18 => Self::InvalidSyscall,
19 => Self::ShareViolation,
20 => Self::InvalidThread,
21 => Self::InvalidPid,
23 => Self::AccessDenied,
24 => Self::UseBeforeInit,
25 => Self::DoubleFree,
26 => Self::DebugInProgress,
27 => Self::InvalidLimit,
22 | _ => Self::UnknownError,
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl From<i32> for Error {
fn from(src: i32) -> Self {
let Ok(src) = core::convert::TryInto::<usize>::try_into(src) else {
return Self::UnknownError;
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl core::fmt::Display for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
match self {
Error::NoError => "no error occurred",
Error::BadAlignment => "memory was not properly aligned",
Error::BadAddress => "an invalid address was supplied",
Error::OutOfMemory => "the process or service has run out of memory",
Error::MemoryInUse => "the requested address is in use",
Error::InterruptNotFound =>
"the requested interrupt does not exist on this platform",
Error::InterruptInUse => "the requested interrupt is currently in use",
Error::InvalidString => "the specified string was not formatted correctly",
Error::ServerExists => "a server with that address already exists",
Error::ServerNotFound => "the requetsed server could not be found",
Error::ProcessNotFound => "the target process does not exist",
Error::ProcessNotChild =>
"the requested operation can only be done on child processes",
Error::ProcessTerminated => "the target process has crashed",
Error::Timeout => "the requested operation timed out",
Error::InternalError => "an internal error occurred",
Error::ServerQueueFull => "the server has too many pending messages",
Error::ThreadNotAvailable => "the specified thread does not exist",
Error::UnhandledSyscall => "the kernel did not recognize that syscall",
Error::InvalidSyscall => "the syscall had incorrect parameters",
Error::ShareViolation => "an attempt was made to share memory twice",
Error::InvalidThread => "tried to resume a thread that was not ready",
Error::InvalidPid => "kernel attempted to use a pid that was not valid",
Error::AccessDenied => "no permission to perform the requested operation",
Error::UseBeforeInit => "attempt to use a service before initialization finished",
Error::DoubleFree => "the requested resource was freed twice",
Error::DebugInProgress => "kernel attempted to activate a thread being debugged",
Error::InvalidLimit => "process attempted to adjust an invalid limit",
Error::UnknownError => "an unknown error occurred",
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl core::fmt::Debug for Error {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
write!(f, "{}", self)
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl crate::error::Error for Error {}
/// Indicates the type of Message that is sent when making a `SendMessage` syscall.
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) enum InvokeType {
LendMut = 1,
Lend = 2,
Move = 3,
Scalar = 4,
BlockingScalar = 5,
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
/// A representation of a connection to a Xous service.
pub struct Connection(u32);
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl From<u32> for Connection {
fn from(src: u32) -> Connection {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl TryFrom<usize> for Connection {
type Error = core::num::TryFromIntError;
fn try_from(src: usize) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl Into<u32> for Connection {
fn into(self) -> u32 {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl TryInto<usize> for Connection {
type Error = core::num::TryFromIntError;
fn try_into(self) -> Result<usize, Self::Error> {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub enum ServerAddressError {
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
pub struct ServerAddress([u32; 4]);
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl TryFrom<&str> for ServerAddress {
type Error = ServerAddressError;
fn try_from(value: &str) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
let b = value.as_bytes();
if b.len() == 0 || b.len() > 16 {
return Err(Self::Error::InvalidLength);
let mut this_temp = [0u8; 16];
for (dest, src) in this_temp.iter_mut().zip(b.iter()) {
*dest = *src;
let mut this = [0u32; 4];
for (dest, src) in this.iter_mut().zip(this_temp.chunks_exact(4)) {
*dest = u32::from_le_bytes(src.try_into().unwrap());
#[stable(feature = "rust1", since = "1.0.0")]
impl Into<[u32; 4]> for ServerAddress {
fn into(self) -> [u32; 4] {
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
pub(crate) struct ThreadId(usize);
impl From<usize> for ThreadId {
fn from(src: usize) -> ThreadId {
impl Into<usize> for ThreadId {
fn into(self) -> usize {
#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
/// Limits that can be passed to `AdjustLimit`
pub(crate) enum Limits {
HeapMaximum = 1,
HeapSize = 2,