blob: ede26975a0e30308ea0009a95acadf8df4ab934a [file] [log] [blame]
# Github composite action to report on code size changes across different
# platforms.
name: Report binary size changes on PR
description: |
Report on code size changes across different platforms resulting from a PR.
The only input argument is the path to a directory containing a set of
"*.json" files (extension required), each file containing the keys:
- platform: the platform that the code size change was measured on
- reference: the size in bytes of the reference binary (base of PR)
- updated: the size in bytes of the updated binary (head of PR)
The size is reported as a comment on the PR (accessed via context).
description: >
Path to directory containing size data as a set of "*.json" files.
required: true
using: composite
- name: Post a PR comment if the size has changed
uses: actions/github-script@v6
script: |
const fs = require("fs");
const size_dir = process.env.DATA_DIRECTORY;
// Map the set of all the *.json files into an array of objects.
const globber = await glob.create(`${size_dir}/*.json`);
const files = await globber.glob();
const sizes = => {
const contents = fs.readFileSync(path);
return JSON.parse(contents);
// Map each object into some text, but only if it shows any difference
// to report.
const size_reports = sizes.flatMap(size_data => {
const platform = size_data["platform"];
const reference = size_data["reference"];
const updated = size_data["updated"];
if (!(reference > 0)) {
core.setFailed(`Reference size invalid: ${reference}`);
if (!(updated > 0)) {
core.setFailed(`Updated size invalid: ${updated}`);
const formatter = Intl.NumberFormat("en", {
useGrouping: "always"
const updated_str = formatter.format(updated);
const reference_str = formatter.format(reference);
const diff = updated - reference;
const diff_pct = (updated / reference) - 1;
const diff_str = Intl.NumberFormat("en", {
useGrouping: "always",
sign: "exceptZero"
const diff_pct_str = Intl.NumberFormat("en", {
style: "percent",
useGrouping: "always",
sign: "exceptZero",
maximumFractionDigits: 2
if (diff !== 0) {
// The body is created here and wrapped so "weirdly" to avoid whitespace at the start of the lines,
// which is interpreted as a code block by Markdown.
const report = `On platform \`${platform}\`:
- Original binary size: **${reference_str} B**
- Updated binary size: **${updated_str} B**
- Difference: **${diff_str} B** (${diff_pct_str})
return [report];
} else {
return [];
// If there are any size changes to report, format a comment and post
// it.
if (size_reports.length > 0) {
const comment_sizes = size_reports.join("");
const body = `Code size changes for a hello-world Rust program linked with libstd with backtrace:
issue_number: context.issue.number,
owner: context.repo.owner,
repo: context.repo.repo,