blob: 0ae3e81a9c1ad94c109ad66d300afa46ab4a1035 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import android.content.ClipData;
import android.content.ClipDescription;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.util.Log;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* Helper for using the {@link}.
public final class RemoteInput extends RemoteInputCompatBase.RemoteInput {
private static final String TAG = "RemoteInput";
/** Label used to denote the clip data type used for remote input transport */
public static final String RESULTS_CLIP_LABEL = "android.remoteinput.results";
/** Extra added to a clip data intent object to hold the text results bundle. */
public static final String EXTRA_RESULTS_DATA = "android.remoteinput.resultsData";
/** Extra added to a clip data intent object to hold the data results bundle. */
private static final String EXTRA_DATA_TYPE_RESULTS_DATA =
private final String mResultKey;
private final CharSequence mLabel;
private final CharSequence[] mChoices;
private final boolean mAllowFreeFormTextInput;
private final Bundle mExtras;
private final Set<String> mAllowedDataTypes;
RemoteInput(String resultKey, CharSequence label, CharSequence[] choices,
boolean allowFreeFormTextInput, Bundle extras, Set<String> allowedDataTypes) {
this.mResultKey = resultKey;
this.mLabel = label;
this.mChoices = choices;
this.mAllowFreeFormTextInput = allowFreeFormTextInput;
this.mExtras = extras;
this.mAllowedDataTypes = allowedDataTypes;
* Get the key that the result of this input will be set in from the Bundle returned by
* {@link #getResultsFromIntent} when the {@link} is sent.
public String getResultKey() {
return mResultKey;
* Get the label to display to users when collecting this input.
public CharSequence getLabel() {
return mLabel;
* Get possible input choices. This can be {@code null} if there are no choices to present.
public CharSequence[] getChoices() {
return mChoices;
public Set<String> getAllowedDataTypes() {
return mAllowedDataTypes;
* Returns true if the input only accepts data, meaning {@link #getAllowFreeFormInput}
* is false, {@link #getChoices} is null or empty, and {@link #getAllowedDataTypes is
* non-null and not empty.
public boolean isDataOnly() {
return !getAllowFreeFormInput()
&& (getChoices() == null || getChoices().length == 0)
&& getAllowedDataTypes() != null
&& !getAllowedDataTypes().isEmpty();
* Get whether or not users can provide an arbitrary value for
* input. If you set this to {@code false}, users must select one of the
* choices in {@link #getChoices}. An {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown
* if you set this to false and {@link #getChoices} returns {@code null} or empty.
public boolean getAllowFreeFormInput() {
return mAllowFreeFormTextInput;
* Get additional metadata carried around with this remote input.
public Bundle getExtras() {
return mExtras;
* Builder class for {@link} objects.
public static final class Builder {
private final String mResultKey;
private CharSequence mLabel;
private CharSequence[] mChoices;
private boolean mAllowFreeFormTextInput = true;
private Bundle mExtras = new Bundle();
private final Set<String> mAllowedDataTypes = new HashSet<>();
* Create a builder object for {@link} objects.
* @param resultKey the Bundle key that refers to this input when collected from the user
public Builder(String resultKey) {
if (resultKey == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Result key can't be null");
mResultKey = resultKey;
* Set a label to be displayed to the user when collecting this input.
* @param label The label to show to users when they input a response.
* @return this object for method chaining
public Builder setLabel(CharSequence label) {
mLabel = label;
return this;
* Specifies choices available to the user to satisfy this input.
* @param choices an array of pre-defined choices for users input.
* You must provide a non-null and non-empty array if
* you disabled free form input using {@link #setAllowFreeFormInput}.
* @return this object for method chaining
public Builder setChoices(CharSequence[] choices) {
mChoices = choices;
return this;
* Specifies whether the user can provide arbitrary values.
* @param mimeType A mime type that results are allowed to come in.
* Be aware that text results (see {@link #setAllowFreeFormInput}
* are allowed by default. If you do not want text results you will have to
* pass false to {@code setAllowFreeFormInput}.
* @param doAllow Whether the mime type should be allowed or not.
* @return this object for method chaining
public Builder setAllowDataType(String mimeType, boolean doAllow) {
if (doAllow) {
} else {
return this;
* Specifies whether the user can provide arbitrary text values.
* @param allowFreeFormTextInput The default is {@code true}.
* If you specify {@code false}, you must either provide a non-null
* and non-empty array to {@link #setChoices}, or enable a data result
* in {@code setAllowDataType}. Otherwise an
* {@link IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
* @return this object for method chaining
public Builder setAllowFreeFormInput(boolean allowFreeFormTextInput) {
mAllowFreeFormTextInput = allowFreeFormTextInput;
return this;
* Merge additional metadata into this builder.
* <p>Values within the Bundle will replace existing extras values in this Builder.
* @see RemoteInput#getExtras
public Builder addExtras(Bundle extras) {
if (extras != null) {
return this;
* Get the metadata Bundle used by this Builder.
* <p>The returned Bundle is shared with this Builder.
public Bundle getExtras() {
return mExtras;
* Combine all of the options that have been set and return a new
* {@link} object.
public RemoteInput build() {
return new RemoteInput(
* Similar as {@link #getResultsFromIntent} but retrieves data results for a
* specific RemoteInput result. To retrieve a value use:
* <pre>
* {@code
* Map<String, Uri> results =
* RemoteInput.getDataResultsFromIntent(intent, REMOTE_INPUT_KEY);
* if (results != null) {
* Uri data = results.get(MIME_TYPE_OF_INTEREST);
* }
* }
* </pre>
* @param intent The intent object that fired in response to an action or content intent
* which also had one or more remote input requested.
* @param remoteInputResultKey The result key for the RemoteInput you want results for.
public static Map<String, Uri> getDataResultsFromIntent(
Intent intent, String remoteInputResultKey) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {
return, remoteInputResultKey);
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {
Intent clipDataIntent = getClipDataIntentFromIntent(intent);
if (clipDataIntent == null) {
return null;
Map<String, Uri> results = new HashMap<>();
Bundle extras = clipDataIntent.getExtras();
for (String key : extras.keySet()) {
if (key.startsWith(EXTRA_DATA_TYPE_RESULTS_DATA)) {
String mimeType = key.substring(EXTRA_DATA_TYPE_RESULTS_DATA.length());
if (mimeType.isEmpty()) {
Bundle bundle = clipDataIntent.getBundleExtra(key);
String uriStr = bundle.getString(remoteInputResultKey);
if (uriStr == null || uriStr.isEmpty()) {
results.put(mimeType, Uri.parse(uriStr));
return results.isEmpty() ? null : results;
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "RemoteInput is only supported from API Level 16");
return null;
* Get the remote input text results bundle from an intent. The returned Bundle will
* contain a key/value for every result key populated by remote input collector.
* Use the {@link Bundle#getCharSequence(String)} method to retrieve a value. For data results
* use {@link #getDataResultsFromIntent}.
* @param intent The intent object that fired in response to an action or content intent
* which also had one or more remote input requested.
public static Bundle getResultsFromIntent(Intent intent) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 20) {
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {
Intent clipDataIntent = getClipDataIntentFromIntent(intent);
if (clipDataIntent == null) {
return null;
return clipDataIntent.getExtras().getParcelable(RemoteInput.EXTRA_RESULTS_DATA);
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "RemoteInput is only supported from API Level 16");
return null;
* Populate an intent object with the results gathered from remote input. This method
* should only be called by remote input collection services when sending results to a
* pending intent.
* @param remoteInputs The remote inputs for which results are being provided
* @param intent The intent to add remote inputs to. The {@link android.content.ClipData}
* field of the intent will be modified to contain the results.
* @param results A bundle holding the remote input results. This bundle should
* be populated with keys matching the result keys specified in
* {@code remoteInputs} with values being the result per key.
public static void addResultsToIntent(RemoteInput[] remoteInputs, Intent intent,
Bundle results) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {, intent, results);
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 20) {
// Implementations of RemoteInput#addResultsToIntent prior to SDK 26 don't actually add
// results, they wipe out old results and insert the new one. Work around that by
// preserving old results.
Bundle existingTextResults =;
if (existingTextResults == null) {
existingTextResults = results;
} else {
for (RemoteInput input : remoteInputs) {
// Data results are also wiped out. So grab them and add them back in.
Map<String, Uri> existingDataResults =
intent, input.getResultKey());
RemoteInput[] arr = new RemoteInput[1];
arr[0] = input;
fromCompat(arr), intent, existingTextResults);
if (existingDataResults != null) {
RemoteInput.addDataResultToIntent(input, intent, existingDataResults);
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {
Intent clipDataIntent = getClipDataIntentFromIntent(intent);
if (clipDataIntent == null) {
clipDataIntent = new Intent(); // First time we've added a result.
Bundle resultsBundle = clipDataIntent.getBundleExtra(RemoteInput.EXTRA_RESULTS_DATA);
if (resultsBundle == null) {
resultsBundle = new Bundle();
for (RemoteInput remoteInput : remoteInputs) {
Object result = results.get(remoteInput.getResultKey());
if (result instanceof CharSequence) {
remoteInput.getResultKey(), (CharSequence) result);
clipDataIntent.putExtra(RemoteInput.EXTRA_RESULTS_DATA, resultsBundle);
intent.setClipData(ClipData.newIntent(RemoteInput.RESULTS_CLIP_LABEL, clipDataIntent));
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "RemoteInput is only supported from API Level 16");
* Same as {@link #addResultsToIntent} but for setting data results.
* @param remoteInput The remote input for which results are being provided
* @param intent The intent to add remote input results to. The
* {@link android.content.ClipData} field of the intent will be
* modified to contain the results.
* @param results A map of mime type to the Uri result for that mime type.
public static void addDataResultToIntent(RemoteInput remoteInput, Intent intent,
Map<String, Uri> results) {
if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 26) {, intent, results);
} else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 16) {
Intent clipDataIntent = getClipDataIntentFromIntent(intent);
if (clipDataIntent == null) {
clipDataIntent = new Intent(); // First time we've added a result.
for (Map.Entry<String, Uri> entry : results.entrySet()) {
String mimeType = entry.getKey();
Uri uri = entry.getValue();
if (mimeType == null) {
Bundle resultsBundle =
if (resultsBundle == null) {
resultsBundle = new Bundle();
resultsBundle.putString(remoteInput.getResultKey(), uri.toString());
clipDataIntent.putExtra(getExtraResultsKeyForData(mimeType), resultsBundle);
intent.setClipData(ClipData.newIntent(RemoteInput.RESULTS_CLIP_LABEL, clipDataIntent));
} else {
Log.w(TAG, "RemoteInput is only supported from API Level 16");
private static String getExtraResultsKeyForData(String mimeType) {
static[] fromCompat(RemoteInput[] srcArray) {
if (srcArray == null) {
return null;
}[] result = new[srcArray.length];
for (int i = 0; i < srcArray.length; i++) {
result[i] = fromCompat(srcArray[i]);
return result;
static fromCompat(RemoteInput src) {
return new
private static Intent getClipDataIntentFromIntent(Intent intent) {
ClipData clipData = intent.getClipData();
if (clipData == null) {
return null;
ClipDescription clipDescription = clipData.getDescription();
if (!clipDescription.hasMimeType(ClipDescription.MIMETYPE_TEXT_INTENT)) {
return null;
if (!clipDescription.getLabel().equals(RemoteInput.RESULTS_CLIP_LABEL)) {
return null;
return clipData.getItemAt(0).getIntent();