Experimental build targets

Most people should use the basic polyfill in web-animations.min.js. This tracks the Web Animations features that are supported natively in browsers. However, we also provide two additional build targets that contain experimental features.


Contains all of web-animations.min.js plus features that are still undergoing discussion or have yet to be implemented natively.


A cut down version of web-animations-next, it removes several lesser used property handlers and some of the larger and less used features such as matrix interpolation/decomposition.

Build target comparison

Size (gzipped)15KB19KB15KB
Timing input (easings, duration, fillMode, etc.) for animation effects
Playback control
Support for animating lengths, transforms and opacity
Support for animating other CSS properties🚫
Matrix fallback for transform animations🚫
KeyframeEffect constructor🚫
Simple GroupEffects & SequenceEffects🚫
Custom Effects🚫
Timing input (easings, duration, fillMode, etc.) for groups🚫🚫*🚫
Additive animation🚫*🚫*🚫
Motion path🚫*🚫*🚫
Modifiable keyframe effect timing🚫🚫*🚫*
Modifiable group timing🚫🚫*🚫*
Usable inline style**🚫

* support is planned for these features. ** see inline style caveat below.

Caveat: Inline style

Inline style modification is the mechanism used by the polyfill to animate properties. Both web-animations and web-animations-next incorporate a module that emulates a vanilla inline style object, so that style modification from JavaScript can still work in the presence of animations. However, to keep the size of web-animations-next-lite as small as possible, the style emulation module is not included. When using this version of the polyfill, JavaScript inline style modification will be overwritten by animations. Due to browser constraints inline style modification is not supported on iOS 7 or Safari 6 (or earlier versions).