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(function() {
'use strict';
* Provides bidirectional mapping between `path` and `queryParams` and a
* app-route compatible `route` object.
* For more information, see the docs for `app-route-converter`.
* @polymerBehavior
Polymer.AppRouteConverterBehavior = {
properties: {
* A model representing the deserialized path through the route tree, as
* well as the current queryParams.
* A route object is the kernel of the routing system. It is intended to
* be fed into consuming elements such as `app-route`.
* @type {?Object}
route: {
type: Object,
notify: true
* A set of key/value pairs that are universally accessible to branches of
* the route tree.
* @type {?Object}
queryParams: {
type: Object,
notify: true
* The serialized path through the route tree. This corresponds to the
* `window.location.pathname` value, and will update to reflect changes
* to that value.
path: {
type: String,
notify: true,
observers: [
'_locationChanged(path, queryParams)',
'_routeChanged(route.prefix, route.path)',
created: function() {
this.linkPaths('route.__queryParams', 'queryParams');
this.linkPaths('queryParams', 'route.__queryParams');
* Handler called when the path or queryParams change.
_locationChanged: function() {
if (this.route &&
this.route.path === this.path &&
this.queryParams === this.route.__queryParams) {
this.route = {
prefix: '',
path: this.path,
__queryParams: this.queryParams
* Handler called when the route prefix and route path change.
_routeChanged: function() {
if (!this.route) {
this.path = this.route.prefix + this.route.path;
* Handler called when the route queryParams change.
* @param {Object} queryParams A set of key/value pairs that are
* universally accessible to branches of the route tree.
_routeQueryParamsChanged: function(queryParams) {
if (!this.route) {
this.queryParams = queryParams;