blob: 5dabc4c8bcc788b557685f6fd2d9514f6492e49d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import contextlib
import logging
import posixpath
import re
from import version_codes
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_CMDLINE_DIR = '/data/local/tmp'
_CMDLINE_DIR_LEGACY = '/data/local'
_RE_NEEDS_QUOTING = re.compile(r'[^\w-]') # Not in: alphanumeric or hyphens.
_QUOTES = '"\'' # Either a single or a double quote.
_ESCAPE = '\\' # A backslash.
def CustomCommandLineFlags(device, cmdline_name, flags):
"""Context manager to change Chrome's command line temporarily.
with flag_changer.TemporaryCommandLineFlags(device, name, flags):
# Launching Chrome will use the provided flags.
# Previous set of flags on the device is now restored.
device: A DeviceUtils instance.
cmdline_name: Name of the command line file where to store flags.
flags: A sequence of command line flags to set.
changer = FlagChanger(device, cmdline_name)
class FlagChanger(object):
"""Changes the flags Chrome runs with.
Flags can be temporarily set for a particular set of unit tests. These
tests should call Restore() to revert the flags to their original state
once the tests have completed.
def __init__(self, device, cmdline_file, use_legacy_path=False):
"""Initializes the FlagChanger and records the original arguments.
device: A DeviceUtils instance.
cmdline_file: Name of the command line file where to store flags.
use_legacy_path: Whether to use the legacy commandline path (needed for
M54 and earlier)
self._device = device
self._should_reset_enforce = False
if posixpath.sep in cmdline_file:
raise ValueError(
'cmdline_file should be a file name only, do not include path'
' separators in: %s' % cmdline_file)
cmdline_path = posixpath.join(_CMDLINE_DIR, cmdline_file)
alternate_cmdline_path = posixpath.join(_CMDLINE_DIR_LEGACY, cmdline_file)
if use_legacy_path:
cmdline_path, alternate_cmdline_path = (alternate_cmdline_path,
if not self._device.HasRoot():
raise ValueError('use_legacy_path requires a rooted device')
self._cmdline_path = cmdline_path
if self._device.PathExists(alternate_cmdline_path):
logger.warning('Removing alternate command line file %r.',
self._device.RemovePath(alternate_cmdline_path, as_root=True)
self._state_stack = [None] # Actual state is set by GetCurrentFlags().
def GetCurrentFlags(self):
"""Read the current flags currently stored in the device.
Also updates the internal state of the flag_changer.
A list of flags.
if self._device.PathExists(self._cmdline_path):
command_line = self._device.ReadFile(
self._cmdline_path, as_root=True).strip()
command_line = ''
flags = _ParseFlags(command_line)
# Store the flags as a set to facilitate adding and removing flags.
self._state_stack[-1] = set(flags)
return flags
def ReplaceFlags(self, flags, log_flags=True):
"""Replaces the flags in the command line with the ones provided.
Saves the current flags state on the stack, so a call to Restore will
change the state back to the one preceeding the call to ReplaceFlags.
flags: A sequence of command line flags to set, eg. ['--single-process'].
Note: this should include flags only, not the name of a command
to run (ie. there is no need to start the sequence with 'chrome').
A list with the flags now stored on the device.
new_flags = set(flags)
return self._UpdateCommandLineFile(log_flags=log_flags)
def AddFlags(self, flags):
"""Appends flags to the command line if they aren't already there.
Saves the current flags state on the stack, so a call to Restore will
change the state back to the one preceeding the call to AddFlags.
flags: A sequence of flags to add on, eg. ['--single-process'].
A list with the flags now stored on the device.
return self.PushFlags(add=flags)
def RemoveFlags(self, flags):
"""Removes flags from the command line, if they exist.
Saves the current flags state on the stack, so a call to Restore will
change the state back to the one preceeding the call to RemoveFlags.
Note that calling RemoveFlags after AddFlags will result in having
two nested states.
flags: A sequence of flags to remove, eg. ['--single-process']. Note
that we expect a complete match when removing flags; if you want
to remove a switch with a value, you must use the exact string
used to add it in the first place.
A list with the flags now stored on the device.
return self.PushFlags(remove=flags)
def PushFlags(self, add=None, remove=None):
"""Appends and removes flags to/from the command line if they aren't already
there. Saves the current flags state on the stack, so a call to Restore
will change the state back to the one preceeding the call to PushFlags.
add: A list of flags to add on, eg. ['--single-process'].
remove: A list of flags to remove, eg. ['--single-process']. Note that we
expect a complete match when removing flags; if you want to remove
a switch with a value, you must use the exact string used to add
it in the first place.
A list with the flags now stored on the device.
new_flags = self._state_stack[-1].copy()
if add:
if remove:
return self.ReplaceFlags(new_flags)
def _SetPermissive(self):
"""Set SELinux to permissive, if needed.
On Android N and above this is needed in order to allow Chrome to read the
legacy command line file.
TODO( Remove when a better solution exists.
# TODO( figure out the exact scenarios where the lowered
# permissions are needed, and document them in the code.
if not self._device.HasRoot():
if (self._device.build_version_sdk >= version_codes.NOUGAT
and self._device.GetEnforce()):
self._should_reset_enforce = True
def _ResetEnforce(self):
"""Restore SELinux policy if it had been previously made permissive."""
if self._should_reset_enforce:
self._should_reset_enforce = False
def Restore(self):
"""Restores the flags to their state prior to the last AddFlags or
RemoveFlags call.
A list with the flags now stored on the device.
# The initial state must always remain on the stack.
assert len(self._state_stack) > 1, (
'Mismatch between calls to Add/RemoveFlags and Restore')
if len(self._state_stack) == 1:
return self._UpdateCommandLineFile()
def _UpdateCommandLineFile(self, log_flags=True):
"""Writes out the command line to the file, or removes it if empty.
A list with the flags now stored on the device.
command_line = _SerializeFlags(self._state_stack[-1])
if command_line is not None:
self._device.WriteFile(self._cmdline_path, command_line, as_root=True)
self._device.RemovePath(self._cmdline_path, force=True, as_root=True)
flags = self.GetCurrentFlags()'Flags now written on the device to %s', self._cmdline_path)
if log_flags:'Flags: %s', flags)
return flags
def _ParseFlags(line):
"""Parse the string containing the command line into a list of flags.
It's a direct port of
The first token is assumed to be the (unused) program name and stripped off
from the list of flags.
line: A string containing the entire command line. The first token is
assumed to be the program name.
A list of flags, with quoting removed.
flags = []
current_quote = None
current_flag = None
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object
for c in line:
# Detect start or end of quote block.
if (current_quote is None and c in _QUOTES) or c == current_quote:
if current_flag is not None and current_flag[-1] == _ESCAPE:
# Last char was a backslash; pop it, and treat c as a literal.
current_flag = current_flag[:-1] + c
current_quote = c if current_quote is None else None
elif current_quote is None and c.isspace():
if current_flag is not None:
current_flag = None
if current_flag is None:
current_flag = ''
current_flag += c
if current_flag is not None:
if current_quote is not None:
logger.warning('Unterminated quoted argument: ' + current_flag)
# Return everything but the program name.
return flags[1:]
def _SerializeFlags(flags):
"""Serialize a sequence of flags into a command line string.
flags: A sequence of strings with individual flags.
A line with the command line contents to save; or None if the sequence of
flags is empty.
if flags:
# The first command line argument doesn't matter as we are not actually
# launching the chrome executable using this command line.
args = ['_']
args.extend(_QuoteFlag(f) for f in flags)
return ' '.join(args)
return None
def _QuoteFlag(flag):
"""Validate and quote a single flag.
A string with the flag to quote.
A string with the flag quoted so that it can be parsed by the algorithm
in _ParseFlags; or None if the flag does not appear to be valid.
if '=' in flag:
key, value = flag.split('=', 1)
key, value = flag, None
if not flag or
# Probably not a valid flag, but quote the whole thing so it can be
# parsed back correctly.
return '"%s"' % flag.replace('"', r'\"')
if value is None:
return key
value = '"%s"' % value.replace('"', r'\"')
return '='.join([key, value])