blob: b7b98d55cc65b6033adb8152fdcefe99785a7457 [file] [log] [blame]
//===------ ExecutorAddress.h - Executing process address -------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
// Represents an address in the executing program.
#include "llvm/ADT/DenseMapInfo.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/identity.h"
#include "llvm/ExecutionEngine/Orc/Shared/SimplePackedSerialization.h"
#include "llvm/Support/FormatVariadic.h"
#include "llvm/Support/raw_ostream.h"
#include <cassert>
#include <type_traits>
namespace llvm {
namespace orc {
using ExecutorAddrDiff = uint64_t;
/// Represents an address in the executor process.
class ExecutorAddr {
/// A wrap/unwrap function that leaves pointers unmodified.
template <typename T> using rawPtr = llvm::identity<T *>;
/// Default wrap function to use on this host.
template <typename T> using defaultWrap = rawPtr<T>;
/// Default unwrap function to use on this host.
template <typename T> using defaultUnwrap = rawPtr<T>;
/// Merges a tag into the raw address value:
/// P' = P | (TagValue << TagOffset).
class Tag {
constexpr Tag(uintptr_t TagValue, uintptr_t TagOffset)
: TagMask(TagValue << TagOffset) {}
template <typename T> constexpr T *operator()(T *P) {
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(P) | TagMask);
uintptr_t TagMask;
/// Strips a tag of the given length from the given offset within the pointer:
/// P' = P & ~(((1 << TagLen) -1) << TagOffset)
class Untag {
constexpr Untag(uintptr_t TagLen, uintptr_t TagOffset)
: UntagMask(~(((uintptr_t(1) << TagLen) - 1) << TagOffset)) {}
template <typename T> constexpr T *operator()(T *P) {
return reinterpret_cast<T *>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(P) & UntagMask);
uintptr_t UntagMask;
ExecutorAddr() = default;
/// Create an ExecutorAddr from the given value.
explicit constexpr ExecutorAddr(uint64_t Addr) : Addr(Addr) {}
/// Create an ExecutorAddr from the given pointer.
/// Warning: This should only be used when JITing in-process.
template <typename T, typename UnwrapFn = defaultUnwrap<T>>
static ExecutorAddr fromPtr(T *Ptr, UnwrapFn &&Unwrap = UnwrapFn()) {
return ExecutorAddr(
/// Cast this ExecutorAddr to a pointer of the given type.
/// Warning: This should only be used when JITing in-process.
template <typename T, typename WrapFn = defaultWrap<std::remove_pointer_t<T>>>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_pointer<T>::value, T>
toPtr(WrapFn &&Wrap = WrapFn()) const {
uintptr_t IntPtr = static_cast<uintptr_t>(Addr);
assert(IntPtr == Addr && "ExecutorAddr value out of range for uintptr_t");
return Wrap(reinterpret_cast<T>(IntPtr));
/// Cast this ExecutorAddr to a pointer of the given function type.
/// Warning: This should only be used when JITing in-process.
template <typename T, typename WrapFn = defaultWrap<T>>
std::enable_if_t<std::is_function<T>::value, T *>
toPtr(WrapFn &&Wrap = WrapFn()) const {
uintptr_t IntPtr = static_cast<uintptr_t>(Addr);
assert(IntPtr == Addr && "ExecutorAddr value out of range for uintptr_t");
return Wrap(reinterpret_cast<T *>(IntPtr));
uint64_t getValue() const { return Addr; }
void setValue(uint64_t Addr) { this->Addr = Addr; }
bool isNull() const { return Addr == 0; }
explicit operator bool() const { return Addr != 0; }
friend bool operator==(const ExecutorAddr &LHS, const ExecutorAddr &RHS) {
return LHS.Addr == RHS.Addr;
friend bool operator!=(const ExecutorAddr &LHS, const ExecutorAddr &RHS) {
return LHS.Addr != RHS.Addr;
friend bool operator<(const ExecutorAddr &LHS, const ExecutorAddr &RHS) {
return LHS.Addr < RHS.Addr;
friend bool operator<=(const ExecutorAddr &LHS, const ExecutorAddr &RHS) {
return LHS.Addr <= RHS.Addr;
friend bool operator>(const ExecutorAddr &LHS, const ExecutorAddr &RHS) {
return LHS.Addr > RHS.Addr;
friend bool operator>=(const ExecutorAddr &LHS, const ExecutorAddr &RHS) {
return LHS.Addr >= RHS.Addr;
ExecutorAddr &operator++() {
return *this;
ExecutorAddr &operator--() {
return *this;
ExecutorAddr operator++(int) { return ExecutorAddr(Addr++); }
ExecutorAddr operator--(int) { return ExecutorAddr(Addr--); }
ExecutorAddr &operator+=(const ExecutorAddrDiff &Delta) {
Addr += Delta;
return *this;
ExecutorAddr &operator-=(const ExecutorAddrDiff &Delta) {
Addr -= Delta;
return *this;
uint64_t Addr = 0;
/// Subtracting two addresses yields an offset.
inline ExecutorAddrDiff operator-(const ExecutorAddr &LHS,
const ExecutorAddr &RHS) {
return ExecutorAddrDiff(LHS.getValue() - RHS.getValue());
/// Adding an offset and an address yields an address.
inline ExecutorAddr operator+(const ExecutorAddr &LHS,
const ExecutorAddrDiff &RHS) {
return ExecutorAddr(LHS.getValue() + RHS);
/// Adding an address and an offset yields an address.
inline ExecutorAddr operator+(const ExecutorAddrDiff &LHS,
const ExecutorAddr &RHS) {
return ExecutorAddr(LHS + RHS.getValue());
/// Subtracting an offset from an address yields an address.
inline ExecutorAddr operator-(const ExecutorAddr &LHS,
const ExecutorAddrDiff &RHS) {
return ExecutorAddr(LHS.getValue() - RHS);
/// Taking the modulus of an address and a diff yields a diff.
inline ExecutorAddrDiff operator%(const ExecutorAddr &LHS,
const ExecutorAddrDiff &RHS) {
return ExecutorAddrDiff(LHS.getValue() % RHS);
/// Represents an address range in the exceutor process.
struct ExecutorAddrRange {
ExecutorAddrRange() = default;
ExecutorAddrRange(ExecutorAddr Start, ExecutorAddr End)
: Start(Start), End(End) {}
ExecutorAddrRange(ExecutorAddr Start, ExecutorAddrDiff Size)
: Start(Start), End(Start + Size) {}
bool empty() const { return Start == End; }
ExecutorAddrDiff size() const { return End - Start; }
friend bool operator==(const ExecutorAddrRange &LHS,
const ExecutorAddrRange &RHS) {
return LHS.Start == RHS.Start && LHS.End == RHS.End;
friend bool operator!=(const ExecutorAddrRange &LHS,
const ExecutorAddrRange &RHS) {
return !(LHS == RHS);
friend bool operator<(const ExecutorAddrRange &LHS,
const ExecutorAddrRange &RHS) {
return LHS.Start < RHS.Start ||
(LHS.Start == RHS.Start && LHS.End < RHS.End);
friend bool operator<=(const ExecutorAddrRange &LHS,
const ExecutorAddrRange &RHS) {
return LHS.Start < RHS.Start ||
(LHS.Start == RHS.Start && LHS.End <= RHS.End);
friend bool operator>(const ExecutorAddrRange &LHS,
const ExecutorAddrRange &RHS) {
return LHS.Start > RHS.Start ||
(LHS.Start == RHS.Start && LHS.End > RHS.End);
friend bool operator>=(const ExecutorAddrRange &LHS,
const ExecutorAddrRange &RHS) {
return LHS.Start > RHS.Start ||
(LHS.Start == RHS.Start && LHS.End >= RHS.End);
bool contains(ExecutorAddr Addr) const { return Start <= Addr && Addr < End; }
bool overlaps(const ExecutorAddrRange &Other) {
return !(Other.End <= Start || End <= Other.Start);
ExecutorAddr Start;
ExecutorAddr End;
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const ExecutorAddr &A) {
return OS << formatv("{0:x}", A.getValue());
inline raw_ostream &operator<<(raw_ostream &OS, const ExecutorAddrRange &R) {
return OS << formatv("{0:x} -- {1:x}", R.Start.getValue(), R.End.getValue());
namespace shared {
class SPSExecutorAddr {};
/// SPS serializatior for ExecutorAddr.
template <> class SPSSerializationTraits<SPSExecutorAddr, ExecutorAddr> {
static size_t size(const ExecutorAddr &EA) {
return SPSArgList<uint64_t>::size(EA.getValue());
static bool serialize(SPSOutputBuffer &BOB, const ExecutorAddr &EA) {
return SPSArgList<uint64_t>::serialize(BOB, EA.getValue());
static bool deserialize(SPSInputBuffer &BIB, ExecutorAddr &EA) {
uint64_t Tmp;
if (!SPSArgList<uint64_t>::deserialize(BIB, Tmp))
return false;
EA = ExecutorAddr(Tmp);
return true;
using SPSExecutorAddrRange = SPSTuple<SPSExecutorAddr, SPSExecutorAddr>;
/// Serialization traits for address ranges.
template <>
class SPSSerializationTraits<SPSExecutorAddrRange, ExecutorAddrRange> {
static size_t size(const ExecutorAddrRange &Value) {
return SPSArgList<SPSExecutorAddr, SPSExecutorAddr>::size(Value.Start,
static bool serialize(SPSOutputBuffer &BOB, const ExecutorAddrRange &Value) {
return SPSArgList<SPSExecutorAddr, SPSExecutorAddr>::serialize(
BOB, Value.Start, Value.End);
static bool deserialize(SPSInputBuffer &BIB, ExecutorAddrRange &Value) {
return SPSArgList<SPSExecutorAddr, SPSExecutorAddr>::deserialize(
BIB, Value.Start, Value.End);
using SPSExecutorAddrRangeSequence = SPSSequence<SPSExecutorAddrRange>;
} // End namespace shared.
} // End namespace orc.
// Provide DenseMapInfo for ExecutorAddrs.
template <> struct DenseMapInfo<orc::ExecutorAddr> {
static inline orc::ExecutorAddr getEmptyKey() {
return orc::ExecutorAddr(DenseMapInfo<uint64_t>::getEmptyKey());
static inline orc::ExecutorAddr getTombstoneKey() {
return orc::ExecutorAddr(DenseMapInfo<uint64_t>::getTombstoneKey());
static unsigned getHashValue(const orc::ExecutorAddr &Addr) {
return DenseMapInfo<uint64_t>::getHashValue(Addr.getValue());
static bool isEqual(const orc::ExecutorAddr &LHS,
const orc::ExecutorAddr &RHS) {
return DenseMapInfo<uint64_t>::isEqual(LHS.getValue(), RHS.getValue());
} // End namespace llvm.