DO NOT MERGE: Update prebuilt atest by uploader.(10325684).

The prebuilt atest was downloaded from:

Bug: 287177324
Bug: 285796304
Bug: 287182847
Bug: 2606719
Bug: 275768289
Bug: 285246275
Bug: 287305306
Bug: 274729317

aosp/2627052 1c62d5c: Use a dedicated per-target proto parser
aosp/2623971 f5d47f7: Default to using minimal builds
aosp/2501984 39579f6: Not sending ATest metrics in gen_workspace shell
aosp/2624192 be302e3: Improve performance of module info rebuild determination
aosp/2604167 70b3f5a: Add check for Mobly test modules; add skeleton Mobly runner
aosp/2619083 8ebffa4: Improve performance of Atest module info merge check
aosp/2619295 e307306: Remove now-unused constant _ROOT_PREPARER
aosp/2625871 477e326: Disable minimal build for 'integration' tests

Test: atest atest_unittests
Test: tools/asuite/atest/ -cy
Test: atest -c --host --no-bazel-mode devices_test_src_lib
Test: atest -c --host --no-bazel-mode x86_64_test_src_lib
Test: atest -c --host --no-bazel-mode merge_annotation_zips_test
Test: atest -c --host --no-bazel-mode libavb_host_unittest_sha
Test: atest -c --host --no-bazel-mode \
Test: atest -c --host --no-bazel-mode CarNotificationRoboTests
Test: atest -c IwlanTests
Test: atest -c CtsAssistTestCases
Test: atest -c CtsProviderTestCases
Test: atest -c core-ojtests
Test: atest -c fmq_unit_tests
Test: atest -c ApexTestCases
Test: atest -c hidl_test_java
Test: atest -c CtsClassloaderSplitsHostTestCases
Test: atest -c CtsCarHostTestCases
Test: atest -c CtsTelecomHostCases
Test: atest -c vts_treble_vintf_framework_test
Test: atest -c CtsAppTestCases --instant
Test: atest -c CtsAppTestCases --user-type secondary_user
Test: atest -c merge_annotation_zips_test --iterations 3
Test: atest -c merge_annotation_zips_test --rerun-until-failure 3
Test: atest -c merge_annotation_zips_test --retry-any-failure 3
Test: atest -c IwlanTests --iterations 3
Test: atest -c IwlanTests --rerun-until-failure 3
Test: atest -c IwlanTests --retry-any-failure 3
Test: atest -cp packages/modules/Wifi/framework/TEST_MAPPING
Test: cd packages/modules/Wifi/framework ; atest
Test: atest -c --host merge_annotation_zips_test \
Test: atest -c merge_annotation_zips_test --request-upload
Test: atest -c native-benchmark
Test: atest -c \

Change-Id: I5fea91a10bee2cc6d60337917e5c332d637690cd
1 file changed