libmraa - Low Level Skeleton Library for Communication on GNU/Linux platforms

Libmraa is a C/C++ library with bindings to Java, Python and JavaScript to interface with the I/O on Galileo, Edison & other platforms, with a structured and sane API where port names/numbering matches the board that you are on. Use of libmraa does not tie you to specific hardware with board detection done at runtime you can create portable code that will work across the supported platforms.

The intent is to make it easier for developers and sensor manufacturers to map their sensors & actuators on top of supported hardware and to allow control of low level communication protocol by high level languages & constructs.


These interfaces allow you to interact with all libmraa functionality. The Java classes directly wrap the C/C++ API and provide a near 1:1 mapping of functionality.

Hello Mraa

@snippet Interesting

Supported platforms

Specific platform information for supported platforms is documented here:

  • @ref galileorevd
  • @ref galileorevh
  • @ref edison
  • @ref de3815
  • @ref minnowmax
  • @ref rasppi
  • @ref bananapi
  • @ref beaglebone
  • @ref nuc5
  • @ref up
  • @ref grossetete
  • @ref ft4222


Sometimes it just doesn‘t want to work, let us try and help you, you can file issues in github or join us in #mraa on freenode IRC, hang around for a little while because we’re not necessarily on 24/7, but we'll get back to you! Have a glance at our @debugging page too


More information on compiling is @ref building page.


Please see the @ref contributing page, the @ref internals page may also be of use.

API Changelog

Version @ref changelog here.