libwifi-hal: Do not reference mokey namespace

mokey namespace might not be available. So instead of referencing the
namespace directly, introduce an intermediate "cc_defaults" in the
global (libwifi-hal-mediatek) which, in turn, references mokey

libwifi-hal-mediatek can be defined even where mokey is not available.

Bug: 304688466
Test: lunch mokey & m libwifi-hal
Merged-In: Iaf561831a87a59a6f4ee0f08bf595c28a8dd2562
Change-Id: Iaf561831a87a59a6f4ee0f08bf595c28a8dd2562
(cherry picked from commit 4d23f262b17bc7ce36a17533b6d9c648260c834a)
1 file changed