Uprev rev vm_tools/p9 to 2c3e8252c684673e83278a0124a998e997dbbcc2

Manual changes:
 - fuzz/OWNERS: Unrecognized email by Gerrit is commented out, otherwise
   the Gerrit server rejects the upload.
 - patches/Android.bp.patch: Add `compile_multilib: 64` to avoid touching
   disabled, unused 32-bit dependencies.
 - remove .patch from .gitignore

Note that this pulls in more dependnecies:
 -> libchromeos-rs
    -> intrusive-collections
       -> memoffset
       -> rand_xorshift

Bug: 174797066
Test: m

Change-Id: I4a810e7b05d8180e80ba15811a66c51d9d069d8d
10 files changed
tree: 8c9847dc87c59c236d7b109592e025bcf8d11366
  1. fuzz/
  2. patches/
  3. src/
  4. wire_format_derive/
  5. .clang-format
  6. .gitignore
  7. Android.bp
  8. Cargo.toml
  12. OWNERS
  13. README.md

p9 - Server implementation of the 9p file system protocol

This directory contains the protocol definition and a server implementation of the 9p file system protocol.

  • wire_format_derive - A procedural macro that derives the serialization and de-serialization implementation for a struct into the 9p wire format.
  • src/protocol - Defines all the messages used in the 9p protocol. Also implements serialization and de-serialization for some base types (integers, strings, vectors) that form the foundation of all 9p messages. Wire format implementations for all other messages are derived using the wire_format_derive macro.
  • src/server.rs - Implements a full 9p server, carrying out file system requests on behalf of clients.