Bug: 179213538

Clone this repo:
  1. d4ba26a Upgrade crossbeam-deque to 0.8.5 am: 5892698265 by Jeff Vander Stoep · 3 months ago emu-34-2-dev main master
  2. 5892698 Upgrade crossbeam-deque to 0.8.5 by Jeff Vander Stoep · 3 months ago emu-34-3-release
  3. e692dce Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 8524b77627 am: b1702aa137 am: ddd332e93d by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago
  4. d4b6729 Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 8524b77627 am: 442571ce68 am: 50b5bfc967 by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago
  5. ddd332e Migrate to cargo_embargo. am: 8524b77627 am: b1702aa137 by Andrew Walbran · 6 months ago

Crossbeam Deque

Build Status License Cargo Documentation Rust 1.61+ chat

This crate provides work-stealing deques, which are primarily intended for building task schedulers.


Add this to your Cargo.toml:

crossbeam-deque = "0.8"


Crossbeam Deque supports stable Rust releases going back at least six months, and every time the minimum supported Rust version is increased, a new minor version is released. Currently, the minimum supported Rust version is 1.61.


Licensed under either of

at your option.


Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you, as defined in the Apache-2.0 license, shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.