Merge remote-tracking branch 'goog/androidx-platform-dev'

* goog/androidx-platform-dev:
  Update Icing from upstream.
  Update Icing from upstream.
  Update Icing from upstream.

Add @UsedByNative annotations to native* methods in IcingSearchEngineImpl.
[Icing][version 3] Bump kVersion to 3
Make lite index magic dependent on `IcingSearchEngineOptions::build_property_existence_metadata_hits`
Add a flag in IcingSearchEngineOptions to control whether to build property existence metadata hits
Support `hasProperty(property_path)` in the advanced query language
Add PropertyExistenceIndexingHandler to index property existence metadata hit
[JoinIndex Improvement][11/x] Add IcingSearchEngine initialization unit test for switching join index
[JoinIndex Improvement][10/x] Change/Add IcingSearchEngine unit tests
[JoinIndex Improvement][9/x] Integrate QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV2 with IcingSearchEngine
[JoinIndex Improvement][8/x] Integrate QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV2 with JoinProcessor
[JoinIndex Improvement][8/x] Integrate QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV2 with QualifiedIdJoinIndexingHandler
[JoinIndex Improvement][7/x] Create QualifiedIdJoinIndex interface
[JoinIndex Improvement][6.1/x] Unit test (Optimize)
[JoinIndex Improvement][6.0/x] Unit test (General, Put, GetIterator)
[JoinIndex Improvement][5.3/x] Implement Optimize
Remove accents from Greek letters in normalizer
Make arm emulator tests build-only.
[JoinIndex Improvement][5.2/x] Implement GetIterator
[JoinIndex Improvement][5.1/x] Implement Put
[JoinIndex Improvement][5.0/x] Branch QualifiedIdJoinIndex to QualifiedIdJoinIndexImplV2
[JoinIndex Improvement][4/x] Implement PostingListJoinDataAccessor
[JoinIndex Improvement][3/x] Implement PostingListJoinDataSerializer and DocumentIdToJoinInfo data type
[JoinIndex Improvement][2/x] Create NamespaceFingerprintIdentifier
[JoinIndex Improvement][1/x] Implement namespace_id_old_to_new in Compaction
Update test to also handle ICU 74 segmentation rules.
[Icing][Expand QueryStats][3/x] Add new fields into QueryStats (1)
[Icing][Expand QueryStats][2/x] Refactor QueryStatsProto
[Icing][Expand QueryStats][1/x] Publish DocHitInfoIterator CallStats
Add additional property filter tests
Deprecate hit_intersect_section_ids_mask in DocHitInfoIterator
Change default requires_full_emulation to False for portable_cc_test (third_party/icing/testing)
Cleanup Set requires_full_emulation to True for selective tests
Fix monkey test failures
Complete monkey test logic to change schema during monkey test runtime
Refactor monkey test to prepare for schema update
Fix the schema bug found by monkey test with seed 2551429844
Move set query stats to the very top of InternalSearch()
Apply section restriction only on leaf nodes
[6/n] Fix callsites in Icing that forgot to check libtextclassifier3::Status (Advanced query parser)
[5/n] Fix callsites in Icing that forgot to check libtextclassifier3::Status (PersistentHashMap)
[4/n] Fix callsites in Icing that forgot to check libtextclassifier3::Status (PostingListIntegerIndexSerializer)
[3/n] Fix callsites in Icing that forgot to check libtextclassifier3::Status (PostingListHitSerializer)
[2/n] Fix callsites in Icing that forgot to check libtextclassifier3::Status (Posting list storage)
[1/n] Fix callsites in Icing that forgot to check libtextclassifier3::Status (Non-functional changes)
Decouple section restriction data from iterators
Fix the crash when a schema type gets more indexable properties than allowed
Add a checker to verify the property data type matches the schema.
Change global std::string in i18n-utils to constexpr std::string_view.
Adjust LiteIndex sort at indexing check conditions.
Fix the build error in aosp/2856025

Bug: 305098009
Bug: 291130542
Bug: 275121148
Bug: 303239901
Bug: 301116242
Bug: 299321977
Bug: 300135897
Bug: 297549761
Bug: 309826655
Bug: 296349369
Bug: 302192690
Bug: 302609704
Bug: 301566713
Bug: 296938196

Change-Id: I957abd9da83e30106dac188677415bd68f64185b
Merged-In: I957abd9da83e30106dac188677415bd68f64185b
tree: 9892cbbd0fb247ce252a38f258e33741ca025a45
  1. icing/
  2. java/
  3. nativeLib/
  4. proto/
  5. .gitignore
  6. Android.bp
  7. build.gradle
  8. CMakeLists.txt
  11. lint-baseline.xml
  14. OWNERS
  16. synced_AOSP_CL_number.txt

Icing Search Library

Icing is a fast, embedded, mobile-friendly full-text-search library written in C++.

This is not an officially supported Google product.