Merge remote-tracking branch 'aosp/upstream-master'

Change descriptions:
Integration test for embedding search
Support embedding search in the advanced scoring language
Support embedding search in the advanced query language
Add missing header inclusions.
Assign default values to MemoryMappedFile members to avoid temporary object error during std::move
Use GetEmbeddingVector in EmbeddingIndex::TransferIndex
Refactor SectionRestrictData
Add EmbeddingIndex to IcingSearchEngine and create EmbeddingIndexingHandler
Support optimize for embedding index
Implement embedding search index
Branch posting list accessor and serializer to store embedding hits
Introduce embedding hit
Update schema and document definition
Add tests verifying that Icing will correctly save updated schema description fields.
Allow adding duplicate hits with the same value into the posting list.
Support an extension to the encoded Hit in Icing's posting list.
Adds description fields to SchemaTypeConfigProto and PropertyConfigProto
Support polymorphism in type property filters
Fix posting list GetMinPostingListSizeToFit size calculation bug
Add instructions to error message for advanced query backward compat.
[Trunk Stable Flags and Files Rebuild #1] Implement v2 version file in version-util
[Trunk Stable Flags and Files Rebuild #2] Integrate v2 version file with IcingSearchEngine
Remove dead code in index initialization for HasPropertyOperator after introducing v2 version file
[Icing version 4] Bump Icing kVersion to 4 for Android V
[Icing][Expand QueryStats][4/x] Add lite index hit buffer info into QueryStats
[Icing][Expand QueryStats][5/x] Add query processor advanced query
components latencies into QueryStats::SearchStats
Add instructions to error message for AppSearch advanced query features backward compatibility

BUG: 326987971
BUG: 326656531
BUG: 329747255
BUG: 294274922
BUG: 321107391
BUG: 324908653
BUG: 326987971
Bug: 314816301
Bug: 309826655
Bug: 305098009
Bug: 329747255
Test: unit test
Change-Id: I6f35b52114181d9dfded41cfb3949f062876a2e2
tree: 693704d89a2b49ffda814b0d81b3e9541f48a740
  1. icing/
  2. java/
  3. nativeLib/
  4. proto/
  5. .gitignore
  6. Android.bp
  7. build.gradle
  8. CMakeLists.txt
  11. lint-baseline.xml
  14. OWNERS
  16. synced_AOSP_CL_number.txt

Icing Search Library

Icing is a fast, embedded, mobile-friendly full-text-search library written in C++.

This is not an officially supported Google product.