Run R8 on bouncycastle with shrinking for the boot classpath.

The list of classes to keep is taken from the list of services
advertised by the BC security provider.

This shrinks bouncycastle.jar in the ART APEX by 439 KB (from 1.4 to
1.0 MB). An additional 86 KB would be shaved off without the keeps for

Also clean up an unused visibility for wycheproof.

Test: Check that the list of services in the BC provider stays the same
      before and after the change.
Test: atest MtsLibcoreBouncyCastleTestCases \
        MtsConscryptTestCases MtsConscryptFdSocketTestCases \ \
        CtsLibcoreTestCases:libcore.junit.util \
        CtsLibcoreTestCases:org.apache.harmony.crypto.tests.javax.crypto.KeyAgreementTest \ \ \
Bug: 317513933
Change-Id: I9eec7e83c0d9cdfb507123024b61e523f29b603f
3 files changed