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<title>Partitions and Images</title>
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Copyright 2017 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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<h2 id="partitions">Partitions</h2>
Android devices include several partitions that serve different functions in the
boot process. To support <a href="/devices/tech/ota/ab/">A/B
updates</a>, the device will need one slot per partition for
<code>boot</code>, <code>system</code>, <code>vendor</code>, and
<li><strong>boot</strong>: The <code>boot</code> partition contains a kernel
image and a RAM disk combined via <code>mkbootimg</code>. In order to flash the
kernel directly without flashing a new boot partition, a virtual partition can
be used: <ul>
<li><strong>kernel</strong>: The virtual <code>kernel</code> partition
overwrites only the kernel (zImage, zImage-dtb, Image.gz-dtb) by writing the new
image over the old one. To do this, it determines the start location of the
existing kernel image in eMMC and copies to that location, keeping in mind that
the new kernel image may be larger than the existing one. The bootloader can
either make space by moving any data following it or abandoning the operation
with an error. If the development kernel supplied is incompatible, you may need
to update the dtb partition if present, or vendor or system partition with
associated kernel modules.
<li><strong>ramdisk</strong>: The virtual <code>ramdisk</code> partition
overwrites only the RAM disk by writing the new image over the old one. To do
this, it determines the start location of the existing <code>ramdisk.img</code>
in eMMC and copies to that location, keeping in mind that the new RAM disk maybe
be larger than the existing one. The bootloader can either make space by moving
any data following it or abandon the operation with an error.</ul>
<li><strong>system</strong>: The <code>system</code> partition mainly contains
the Android framework.
<li><strong>recovery</strong>: The <code>recovery</code> partition stores the
recovery image, booted during the OTA process. If the device supports <a
href="/devices/tech/ota/ab/">A/B updates</a>,
recovery can be a RAM disk contained in the boot image rather than a separate
<li><strong>cache</strong>: The <code>cache</code> partition stores temporary
data and is optional if a device uses A/B updates. The cache partition doesn't
need to be writable from the bootloader, only erasable. The size depends on the
device type and the availability of space on userdata. Currently 50MB-100MB
should be ok.
<li><strong>misc</strong>: The <code>misc</code> partition is used by recovery
and is 4KB or larger.
<li><strong>userdata</strong>: The <code>userdata</code> partition contains
user-installed applications and data, including customization data.
<li><strong>metadata</strong>: The <code>metadata</code> partition is used when
device is encrypted and is 16MB or larger.
<li><strong>vendor</strong>: The <code>vendor</code> partition contains any
binary that is not distributable to the Android Open Source Project (AOSP). If
there is no proprietary information, this partition may be omitted.
<li><strong>radio</strong>: The <code>radio</code> partition contains the radio
image. This partition is only necessary for devices that include a radio that
have radio-specific software in a dedicated partition.
<li><strong>tos</strong>: The <code>tos</code> partition stores the binary image
of the Trusty OS and is only used if the device includes Trusty.</li>
<h2 id="flow">Flow</h2>
Here is how the bootloader operates:
<li>The bootloader gets loaded first.
<li>The bootloader initializes memory.
<li>If <a href="/devices/bootloader/flashing-updating#a-b-updates">A/B
updates</a> are used, determine the current slot to boot.
<li>Determine whether recovery mode should be booted instead as described in <a
<li>The bootloader loads the image, which contains the kernel and RAM disk (and
in <a href="/devices/architecture/treble">Treble</a> even more).
<li>The bootloader starts loading the kernel into memory as a self-executable
compressed binary.
<li>The kernel decompresses itself and starts executing into memory.
<li>From there on, older devices load <code>init</code> from the RAM disk and
newer devices load it from the <code>/system</code> partition.
<li>From <code>/system</code>, <code>init</code> launches and starts mounting
all the other partitions, such as <code>/vendor</code>, <code>/oem</code>, and
<code>/odm</code>, and then starts executing code to start the device</li>
<h2 id="images">Images</h2>
The bootloader relies upon these images.
<h3 id="kernel-images">Kernel images</h3>
Kernel images are created in a standard Linux format, such as zImage, Image, or
Image.gz. Kernel images can be flashed independently, combined with RAM disk
images, and flashed to the boot partition or booted from memory. When creating
kernel images, concatenated device-tree binaries are recommended over using a
separate partition for the device tree. When using multiple Device Tree Blobs
(DTBs) for different board revisions, concatenate multiple DTBs in descending
order of board revision.
<h3 id="ram-disk-images">RAM disk images</h3>
RAM disks should contain a root file system suitable for mounting as a rootfs.
RAM disk images are combined with kernel images using mkbootfs and then flashed
into the boot partition.
<h3 id="boot-images">Boot images</h3>
Boot images should contain a kernel and RAM disk combined using an unmodified
The <code>mkbootimg</code> implementation can be found at: <code><a
The bootloader reads the <code><a
header file generated by mkbootimg and updates the kernel header to contain the
correct location and size of the RAM disk in flash, base address of the kernel,
command line parameters, and more. The bootloader then appends the command line
specified in the boot image to the end of the bootloader-generated command
<h3 id="file-system-images-system-userdata-recovery">File system images (system,
userdata, recovery)</h3>
<h4 id="sparse-image-format">YAFFS2 image format</h4>
If using raw NAND storage, these images must be YAFFS2, generated by an unmodified mkyaffs2image, as found in the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) at <a href="" class="external"><code>external/yaffs2/yaffs2/utils</code></a>. They have the format:
| 2k bytes of data| yaffs extra data | padding | | 0 2048 | 0 64 | variable|
The bootloader is responsible for consuming these images and relocating the
yaffs extra data into the appropriate location in the out-of-band area for the
given nand hardware. If software ECC is required, the bootloader should also
do that computation at this time.
<h4 id="sparse-image-format">Sparse image format</h4>
The sparse image format should be supported. It is described in the document
"ext4 compressed images" and in <code><a
it is implemented in: <code><a
If using a block-based storage device, ext4 or f2fs should be supported. To
quickly transfer and flash large, empty ext4 file systems (userdata), store the
image in a sparse format that contains information about which areas of the file
system can be left unwritten. The file format is written by the
<code>mke2fs</code> utility that is also used to create the images the file
format is read and flashed by the bootloader. See the sections below for
<h5 id="file-format">File format</h5>
<li>All fields are unsigned little-endian
<li>The file contains a file header, followed by a series of chunks
<li>The file header, chunk header, and chunk data are all multiples of 4 bytes
<h5 id="header">Header</h5>
<li>32-bit magic: 0xed26ff3a
<li>16-bit major version (0x1) - reject images with higher major versions
<li>16-bit minor version (0x0) - allow images with higher minor versions
<li>16-bit file header size in bytes (28 in v1.0)
<li>16-bit chunk header size in bytes (12 in v1.0)
<li>32-bit block size in bytes, must be multiple of 4
<li>32-bit total blocks in output file
<li>32-bit total chunks in input file</li></ul>
32-bit CRC32 checksum of original data, counting "don't care" as 0 Standard
802.3 polynomial, use a public domain table implementation
<h5 id="chunk">Chunk</h5>
<li>16-bit chunk type:
<li>0xCAC1 raw
<li>0xCAC2 fill
<li>0xCAC3 don't care
<li>16 bits reserved (write as 0, ignore on read)
<li>32-bit chunk size in blocks in output image
<li>32-bit total size in bytes of chunk input file including chunk header and
<h5 id="data">Data</h5>
<li> for raw, raw data, size in blocks * block size in bytes
<li> for fill, 4 bytes of fill data</li></ul>
<h5 id="implementing-the-writer">Implementing the writer</h5>
The <code>mke2fs</code> utility already knows what areas of the image need
to be written, and will encode "don't care" chunks between them. Another tool,
<code>img2simg</code>, will convert regular (non-sparse) images to sparse
images. Regular images have no information about "don't care" areas; the best a
conversion can do is look for blocks of repeated data to reduce the resulting
image size.
<h5 id="implementing-the-reader">Implementing the reader</h5>
Readers should reject images with unknown major versions and should accept images
with unknown minor versions. Readers may reject images with chunk sizes they do
not support.
Once the major version is validated, the reader should ignore chunks with unknown
type fields. It should skip over the chunk in the file using the "chunk size in
file" and skip "chunk size in blocks" blocks on the output.
A Cyclic Redundancy Check - 802.3 CRC32 - should be calculated for the data that
will be written to disk. Any area that is not written (don't care, or a skipped
chunk), should be counted as 0s in the CRC. The total number of blocks written
or skipped should be compared against the "total blocks" field in the header.
The tool <code>simg2img</code> will convert the sparse image format to a
standard image, which will lose the sparse information.