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<title>Implementing the AudioControl HAL</title>
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Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} deprecates the <code>AUDIO_*</code>
properties in previous iterations of the Vehicle HAL and replaces them with a
dedicated Audio Control HAL that includes explicit function calls and typed
parameter lists.
This new HAL exposes <code>IAudioControl</code> as the primary interface
object that provides entry points to interact with the vehicle's audio engine
for configuration and volume control. The system can contain exactly one
instance of this object, which is created by <code>CarAudioService</code> when
it starts up. This object is an automotive extension of the traditional
Android Audio HAL; in most implementations, the same process that publishes
the Audio HAL interfaces should also publish the
<code>IAudioControl interfaces</code>.
<h2 id="supported-interfaces">Supported interfaces</h2>
The <code>AudioControl</code> HAL supports the following interfaces:
<li><code><strong>getBusforContext</strong></code>. Called at startup once
per context to get the mapping from <code>ContextNumber</code> to
<code>busAddress</code>. Example usage:
<pre class="prettyprint">
getBusForContext(ContextNumber contextNumber)
generates (uint32_t busNumber);
Enables the vehicle to tell the framework where to route the physical
output stream for each context. For every context, a valid bus number (0 - num
busses-1) must be returned. If an unrecognized <code>contextNumber</code> is
encountered, -1 shall be returned. Any context for which an invalid
<code>busNumber</code> is returned will be routed to bus 0.
Any concurrent sounds associated with the same <code>busNumber</code> via this
mechanism will be mixed by the Android <code>AudioFlinger</code> before being
delivered as a single stream to the Audio HAL. This supersedes the Vehicle HAL
properties <code>AUDIO_HW_VARIANT</code> and <code>AUDIO_ROUTING_POLICY</code>.
<li><code><strong>setBalanceTowardRight</strong></code>. Control the
right/left balance setting of vehicle speakers. Example usage:
<pre class="prettyprint">
setBalanceTowardRight(float value);
Shifts the speaker volume toward the right (+) or left (-) side of the
car. 0.0 is centered, +1.0 is fully right, -1.0 is fully left, and a value
outside the range -1 to 1 is an error.
<li><code><strong>setFadeTowardFront</strong></code>. Control the fore/aft
fade setting of vehicle speakers. Example usage:
<pre class="prettyprint">
setFadeTowardFront(float value);
Shifts the speaker volume toward the front (+) or back (-) of the car.
0.0 is centered, +1.0 is fully forward, -1.0 is fully rearward, and a value
outside the range -1 to 1 is an error.
<h2 id="configure-volume">Configuring volume</h2>
Android automotive implementations should control volume using a hardware
amplifier instead of a software mixer. To avoid side effects, in
set the <code>config_useFixedVolume</code> flag to <code>true</code> (overlay
as necessary):
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;!-- Car uses hardware amplifier for volume. --&gt;
&lt;bool name="config_useFixedVolume"&gt;true&lt;/bool&gt;
When the <code>config_useFixedVolume</code> flag is not set (or set to
<code>false</code>), applications can call
<code>AudioManager.setStreamVolume()</code> and change the volume by stream
type in the software mixer. This may be undesirable because of the potential
effect on other applications and the fact that volume attenuation in the
software mixer results in fewer significant bits available in the signal when
received at the hardware amplifier.
<h2 id="configure-volume-groups">Configuring volume groups</h2>
<code>CarAudioService</code> uses volume groups defined in
<code>packages/services/Car/service/res/xml/car_volume_group.xml</code>. You
can override this file to redefine volume groups as necessary. Groups are
identified at runtime by their order of definition in the XML file. IDs range
from 0 to N-1, where N is the number of volume groups. Example:
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;volumeGroups xmlns:car=""&gt;
&lt;context car:context="music"/&gt;
&lt;context car:context="call_ring"/&gt;
&lt;context car:context="notification"/&gt;
&lt;context car:context="system_sound"/&gt;
&lt;context car:context="navigation"/&gt;
&lt;context car:context="voice_command"/&gt;
&lt;context car:context="call"/&gt;
&lt;context car:context="alarm"/&gt;
The attributes used in this configuration are defined in
<h2 id="handle-volumn-key-events">Handling volume key events</h2>
Android defines several keycodes for volume control, including
<code>KEYCODE_VOLUME_UP</code>, <code>KEYCODE_VOLUME_DOWN</code>, and
<code>KEYCODE_VOLUME_MUTE</code>. By default, Android routes the volume key
events to applications. Automotive implementations should force these key
events to <code>CarAudioService</code>, which can then call
<code>setGroupVolume</code> or <code>setMasterMute</code> as appropriate.
To force this behavior, in
set the <code>config_handleVolumeKeysInWindowManager</code> flag to
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;bool name="config_handleVolumeKeysInWindowManager"&gt;true&lt;/bool&gt;
<h2 id="caraudiomanager-api">CarAudioManager API</h2>
The <code>CarAudioManager</code> uses <code>CarAudioService</code> to
configure and control vehicle audio systems. The manager is invisible to most
apps in the system, but vehicle-specific components, such as a volume
controller, can use the <code>CarAudioManager</code> API to interact with the
The following sections describe Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} changes to
the <code>CarAudioManager API</code>.
<h3 id="deprecated-apis">Deprecated APIs</h3>
Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} handles device enumeration through the
existing <code>AudioManager</code> <code>getDeviceList</code> API, so the
following vehicle-specific functions have been deprecated and removed:
<li><code>String[] getSupportedExternalSourceTypes()</code></li>
<li><code>String[] getSupportedRadioTypes()</code></li>
Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} handles volume using
<code>AudioAttributes.AttributeUsage</code> or volume group-based entry
points, so the following APIs that rely on <code>streamType</code> have been
<li><code>void setStreamVolume(int streamType, int index, int flags)</code>
<li><code>int getStreamMaxVolume(int streamType)</code></li>
<li><code>int getStreamMinVolume(int streamType)</code></li>
<li><code>void setVolumeController(IVolumeController controller)</code></li>
<h3 id="new-apis">New APIs</h3>
Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} adds the following new APIs for
controlling amplifier hardware (explicitly based on volume groups):
<li><code>int getVolumeGroupIdForUsage(@AudioAttributes.AttributeUsage int
<li><code>int getVolumeGroupCount()</code></li>
<li><code>int getGroupVolume(int groupId)</code></li>
<li><code>int getGroupMaxVolume(int groupId)</code></li>
<li><code>int getGroupMinVolume(int groupId)</code></li>
In addition, Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} provides the following new
system APIs for use by System GUI:
<li><code>void setGroupVolume(int groupId, int index, int flags)</code></li>
<li><code>void registerVolumeChangeObserver(@NonNull ContentObserver
<li><code>void unregisterVolumeChangeObserver(@NonNull ContentObserver
<li><code>void registerVolumeCallback(@NonNull IBinder binder)</code></li>
<li><code>void unregisterVolumeCallback(@NonNull IBinder binder)</code></li>
<li><code>void setFadeToFront(float value)</code></li>
<li><code>Void setBalanceToRight(float value)</code></li>
Finally, Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} adds new APIs for external
source management. These are intended primarily to support audio routing from
external sources to the output buses based on media type. They can also
potentially enable third-party application access to external devices.
<li><code>String[] getExternalSources()</code>. Returns an array of
addresses identifying the available audio ports in the system of type
<code>AUX_LINE</code>, <code>FM_TUNER</code>, <code>TV_TUNER</code>, and
<li><code>CarPatchHandle createAudioPatch(String sourceAddress, int
carUsage)</code>. Routes the source addresses to the output <code>BUS</code>
associated with the provided <code>carUsage</code>.</li>
<li><code>int releaseAudioPatch(CarPatchHandle patch)</code>. Removes the
provided patch. If the creator of the <code>CarPatchHandle</code> dies
unexpectedly, this is handled automatically by
<h2 id="create-audio-patches">Creating audio patches</h2>
You can create an audio patch between two audio ports, either a mix port or a
device port. Typically, an audio patch from mix port to device port is for
playback while the reverse direction is for capture.</p>
For example, an audio patch that routes audio samples from <code>FM_TUNER</code>
source directly to media sink bypasses the software mixer. You must then use a
hardware mixer to mix the audio samples from Android and <code>FM_TUNER</code>
for the sink. When creating an audio patch directly from <code>FM_TUNER</code>
source to the media sink:
<li>Volume control applies to the media sink and should affect both the
Android and <code>FM_TUNER</code> audio.</li>
<li>Users should be able to switch between Android and <code>FM_TUNER</code>
audio via a simple app switch (no explicit media source choice should be
Automotive implementations might also need to create an audio patch between
two device ports. To do so, you must first declare the device ports and
possible routes in <code>audio_policy_configuration.xml</code> and associate
mixports with these device ports.
<h3 id="example-config">Example configuration</h3>
See also
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;module name="primary" halVersion="3.0"&gt;
&lt;mixPort name="mixport_bus0_media_out" role="source"
&lt;profile name="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT"
&lt;mixPort name="mixport_audio_patch_in" role="sink"&gt;
&lt;profile name="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT"
&lt;devicePort tagName="bus0_media_out" role="sink" type="AUDIO_DEVICE_OUT_BUS"
&lt;profile balance="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT"
samplingRates="48000" channelMasks="AUDIO_CHANNEL_OUT_STEREO"/&gt;
&lt;gain name="" mode="AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_JOINT"
minValueMB="-8400" maxValueMB="4000" defaultValueMB="0" stepValueMB="100"/&gt;
&lt;devicePort tagName="bus1_audio_patch_test_in" type="AUDIO_DEVICE_IN_BUS" role="source"
&lt;profile name="" format="AUDIO_FORMAT_PCM_16_BIT"
samplingRates="48000" channelMasks="AUDIO_CHANNEL_IN_STEREO"/&gt;
&lt;gain name="" mode="AUDIO_GAIN_MODE_JOINT"
minValueMB="-8400" maxValueMB="4000" defaultValueMB="0" stepValueMB="100"/&gt;
&lt;route type="mix" sink="bus0_media_out" sources="mixport_bus0_media_out,bus1_audio_patch_test_in"/&gt;
&lt;route type="mix" sink="mixport_audio_patch_in" sources="bus1_audio_patch_test_in"/&gt;
<h3 id=audio-driver-api>Audio driver API</h3>
You can use <code>getExternalSources()</code> to retrieve a list of available
sources (identified by address), then create audio patches between these
sources and the sink ports by audio usages. The corresponding entry points on
the Audio HAL appear in <code>IDevice.hal</code>:
<pre class="prettyprint">
Interface IDevice {
* Creates an audio patch between several source and sink ports. The handle
* is allocated by the HAL and must be unique for this audio HAL module.
* @param sources patch sources.
* @param sinks patch sinks.
* @return retval operation completion status.
* @return patch created patch handle.
createAudioPatch(vec&lt;AudioPortConfig&gt; sources, vec&lt;AudioPortConfig&gt; sinks)
generates (Result retval, AudioPatchHandle patch);
* Release an audio patch.
* @param patch patch handle.
* @return retval operation completion status.
releaseAudioPatch(AudioPatchHandle patch) generates (Result retval);
<aside class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> These API hooks have been available
since AUDIO_DEVICE_API_VERSION_3_0. For more details, refer to
<h2 id="configure-volume-settings-ui">Configuring the volume settings UI</h2>
Android {{ androidPVersionNumber }} decouples the volume settings UI from
volume group configuration (which can be overlaid as described in Configuring
volume groups). This separation ensures that no changes are required if the
volume groups configuration changes in the future.
In car settings UI, the
<code>packages/apps/Car/Settings/res/xml/car_volume_items.xml</code> file
contains UI elements (title and icon resources) associated with each defined
<code>AudioAttributes.USAGE</code>. This file provides for a reasonable
rendering of the defined VolumeGroups by using resources associated with the
first recognized usage contained in each VolumeGroup.
For example, the following example defines a VolumeGroup as including both
<code>voice_communication</code> and
<code>voice_communication_signalling</code>. The default implementation of the
car settings UI renders the VolumeGroup using the resources associated with
<code>voice_communication</code> as that is the first match in the file.
<pre class="prettyprint">
&lt;carVolumeItems xmlns:car=""&gt;
&lt;item car:usage="voice_communication"
&lt;item car:usage="voice_communication_signalling"
&lt;item car:usage="media"
&lt;item car:usage="game"
&lt;item car:usage="alarm"
&lt;item car:usage="assistance_navigation_guidance"
&lt;item car:usage="notification_ringtone"
&lt;item car:usage="assistant"
&lt;item car:usage="notification"
&lt;item car:usage="notification_communication_request"
&lt;item car:usage="notification_communication_instant"
&lt;item car:usage="notification_communication_delayed"
&lt;item car:usage="notification_event"
&lt;item car:usage="assistance_accessibility"
&lt;item car:usage="assistance_sonification"
&lt;item car:usage="unknown"
The attributes and values used in the above configuration are declared in
<code>packages/apps/Car/Settings/res/values/attrs.xml</code>. The volume
settings UI uses the following <code>VolumeGroup</code>-based
<code>CarAudioManager</code> APIs:
<li><code>getVolumeGroupCount()</code> to know how many controls should be
<li><code>getGroupMinVolume()</code> and <code>getGroupMaxVolume()</code> to
get lower and upper bounds.</li>
<li><code>getGroupVolume()</code> to get the current volume.</li>
<li><code>registerVolumeChangeObserver()</code> to get notified on volume