Android 11.0.0 release 0.26
msm: kgsl: Mark the scratch buffer as privileged

Mark the scratch buffer as privileged so that it can only be accessed by
GPU through the ringbuffer. To accomplish this, we need to:

1. Move the preemption data out of the scratch buffer.
2. Disable the shadow rptr feature.
3. Trigger RPTR update from GPU using a WHERE_AM_I packet.
4. Add support for the new ucode.

Bug: 163548240
Change-Id: I9b388f55f53b69028b9bbb2306cb43fd1297c52f
Signed-off-by: Akhil P Oommen <>
(cherry picked from commit 7e14bc4384f5d3373756c1c4db4df4a595f1ec29)
12 files changed