Android wear 13.0.0 release 0.13
Disable forced kernel panic on userdebug builds

Reasons for disabling this feature:
1. Debug Snapshot opens the touch input_device indefinetly and prevents
   the dev from being closed. This affects the logic of disabling wake
   interrupts when touch to wake is disabled.
2. This feature is very rarely used on Rohan.

This reverts commit 13a8b46b63d6c531944cdad82cd6ea21ae97f5c0.

Bug: 178032011
Test: manual
Change-Id: Ic4f6547dc959a447e378e8ec31a51296b581e0e0
1 file changed
tree: 0ff58f1a894b6e3894ff0cee4a024b4562065175
  1. build.config
  2. build.config.user
  3. dtboimg.cfg
  4. r11_defconfig