Android Wear 11.0.0 Release 0.4 (RWD9.220429.070/RWD9.220429.070.J1,rohan)
Re-enable forced kernel panic on userdebug builds

Re-enable the force kernel panic button combo to get status
of all the threads in instances where userspace seems hung,
but the kernel is fine.

Enable : echo 1 > /sys/devices/platform/dss/dss_forced_panic
Disable: echo 0 > /sys/devices/platform/dss/dss_forced_panic

Bug: 244210947
Test: Verify kernel panic with button combo when enabled
Signed-off-by: Amit Bhanagay <>
Change-Id: I8a2782aa5bf6d8a2ba6b375ceb521eab0924a226
1 file changed
tree: e0d56e2000c9a0c766ac327c16570ee8561f46f2
  1. build.config
  2. dtboimg.cfg
  3. r11_defconfig