Android Mainline 11.0.0 Release 35 (7314025)
Automated merge of MTK Keystone code for 2020_03_30

Bug: 151102302
Test: Section 6 in vendor/mediatek/build/wembley_tools/merge_process.txt

* commit '0798bcf47bb0fb9796548032b0766f6444798a91': (827 commits)
  [ALPS05003224] thermal hal service sepolicy
  [ALPS04958679] EM:remove phone UID
  [ALPS04991295] relable aee_aed/aee_aed64 to crash_dump
  [ALPS05025613] SEPolicy: Modify neverallow rule for system_data_file
  [ALPS05014766] SEPolicy: Modify property with new attributes
  [ALPS04890169] RTC: add permission for system_server
  [ALPS04975618] add aee hidl service
  [ALPS05009976] SEPolicy: Merge folder non_plat and r_non_plat
  [ALPS04956865] mmstat: allow vendor to access tracing instances
  [ALPS04971420] sepolicy: add inode2filename neverallow rule
  [ALPS04971420] sepolicy: add inode2filename neverallow rule
  [ALPS04885863] charger: add power_supply class support
  [ALPS04975618] fix dumpstate xTS fail
  [ALPS04995993] [META]Connect META failed
  [ALPS04991295] create minicoredump/coredump fail
  [ALPS04995993] [META]Failed to connect meta
  [ALPS04975618] add aee_aedv proc file selinux rule
  [ALPS04949825] WMT: add sepolicy
  [ALPS04994589] SEPolicy: Modify neverallow rule for system_data_file
  [ALPS04984342] battery: add power_supply class support

Change-Id: If97bc5bb23fabad7f62efcdbda3a3fa0ba7ec307