Sensor HAL 2.1 Migration

This migrates the Sensor HAL from version 2.0 to 2.1. This was completed
by following the migration guide:

This includes but is not limited to:
- Moved the sensor HAL from ./hal/2.0 to ./hal/2.1
- Included the 2.1 version of the sensor HAL interface headers and libs
- Updated the ::android::hardware::sensors::V2_0 namespace to
  ::android::hardware::sensors::V2_1 within the implementation
- Updated all relevant types to use the 2.1 versions as needed
- Updated all calls to `postEvents` to use the new interface, including
  a new call to `createScopedWakelock`
  - I used the implementation within the `goldfish` target as an example
- Renamed both `getSensorsList()` and `injectSensorData()` to
  `getSensorsList_2_1()` and `injectSensorData_2_1()`, as described in
  the migration guide.
- Updated the host tests to use the new types and ensured they pass
- Updated the sensor config file to reference the new 2.1 sensor types
- Swap the HIDL-based `android.hardware.sensors@2.0-service.multihal` for
  the AIDL-based `android.hardware.sensors-service.multihal`

Bug: 266001101
Test: atest, build trout_arm64, KitchenSink app on Osprey board, no CTS

Change-Id: I3bf80381dca81cc9d25a65ee9737adae9db9b058
24 files changed